Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Filling up the freezer

This was a good excuse to get the freezer cleaned out.

So if anyone remembers one of my New Years Resolutions was to build up our food storage, this has never been easy for me. I really feel that this is important, but have never been very good about it. I am trying to slowly buy extra things to build this up. We had the opportunity to buy a 1/2 a cow and decided that even though it was pretty expensive that this was a good idea to have. I am so excited to have all this meat in my freezer. In the past I have always just bought enough meat for a couple of weeks and that is it.

I remember as a child my Grandpa Sargent used to give us a 1/2 cow for Christmas, and I appreciated it because my parents told me how great it was. But now that we just bought one I really appreciate him doing that for us all those year. Thanks Grandpa! (maybe he can hear me on the other side of the veil.)


Holly said...

When we lived up on the farm, we always had meat in the freezer from a cow Ryan had, it wasn't till it was gone that I realized that it was so nice to always have meat that was available for dinner. I really miss having that. It is a great idea for any family.

Mickey said...

my parents always split a half beef with my uncle. I loved the difference in the taste. It really is different than the store bought.

Valeen said...

It is hard to swallow the initial cost of buying that much meat at once. But it sure is great having it there. There is nothing better than a full freezer! Keep up the good work.