Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend

Mom, trying to relax after hosting the "big" thanksgiving party
My Dad and Carolina

Roxanne and Cody
The "kids" table at the Fuhriman's

Grandma Mickey and the babies

Reid cutting down our Christmas tree

Trying to cut down our tree

taking a break from our hike

Reid hiking
the kids and I

starting out on our long journey
We had a really fun and busy Thanksgiving this year. Reid had to work at the site on Thanksgiving Day so the kids and I went to the Sargent dinner at 1:00, and then over to the Fuhriman's dinner at 4:00. We definately got plent to eat.

The day after we went to Island park to get our Christmas tree, which was quite the adventure. In all the years that I have been going to get Christmas trees in Island Park I have never seen that much snow. Because of all the snow we didn't take our 4-wheeler, so we had to hike out to find our tree. I am talking thigh high snow that we were hiking through. It was one of the hardest things I have done physically in a very long time. But we finally found the tree we were looking for, and we were able to all laugh at ourselves afterwards. Savanna and Mitch were very strong hikers, while Treyton got pulled in the sled. (Thankfully my Mom offered to watch Carolina so we didn't have to drag her along.)


Natalie♥ said...

O my goodness the Fuhriman dinner lookes alot like ours with lots of kids and my Mom's arms full of babies :) How fun. And getting the tree looked like a lot of work I bet you were all worn out that night.

Mickey said...

I am sooo proud of you Rachel. I don't know if you were sore, but Roxanne said she was "plenty" sore! I am glad I got to wait in the car with the babies. The kids had a ball. This will be one year to remember for sure. I think you got an beautiful tree. Cant wait to see it decorated.

Lori said...

It was a fun Thanksgiving! It did go by way too fast! It was fun for the cousins to play and for us all to be together!