Sunday, August 10, 2008

Treyton and nursery

I have been a bit frustrated lately because I can't get Treyton to go to nursery on Sunday's. So today I decided that I would stay with him in there for a long time and then sneek out and just let him cry for a while. I talked to one of his teachers ahead of time and she said that would be fine. So I left him after about 45 minutes and he started screaming. I went ahead and went to Sunday school and a few minutes later I could hear him crying in the hall. So Reid went and got him, and he had thrown up. We thought that maybey he just got so upset that he made himself sick, but later on during Elders quorum he threw up again when Reid had him. He has since thrown up several times and has a fever and won't eat anything. I am pretty worried about him. I hope he is feeling better by morning. So much for getting him to stay in nursery this week anyway.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Darn it! Nursery is scary enough as it is. I have served in nursery A LOT! I am convinced that some kids just need longer. It is too hard on them and the poor mommies who have to listen through the door to them screaming. Poor kid! I saw him all snuggled up with his daddy when I went out in the hall. I hope he gets feeling better.