Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

We enjoyed our New Year's festivities very much this year. It was kind of low-key, which is just perfect for me.

We invited Lori and Aaron over to our house for New Year's Eve. We at pizza, watched a movie (Grown-ups for the adults and Shrek the Final Chapter for the kids), and played games. We tried to make it until mid-night but the babies were getting fussy so the Anglins left around 11:30 pm. It was really enjoyable to spend some quality time with some quality people. After the Anglins left we all stayed up until midnight to watch the ball drop- this is the first year we let the kids stay up and they thought it was pretty cool. Mitchel actually fell asleep a little before midnight on Reid's lap.

On New Years Day we slept in a little and then went over to my parents and had some lunch and played games. It was also very enjoyable. We spent the whole day visiting and playing games. The kids always have fun playing with their cousins and being very loud.

Kate and Naomi were very cute sitting under Naomi's blanket, Carolina saw this and had to get in on the action. They are the 3 muskateer girls.

Kate had enough and left, but I was never able to get a picture where they were all looking at the camera.

Addi and Treyton enjoying the hot chocolate.

Gideon trying to eat his stuffed animal. Carolina and Gideon drove each other crazy the whole night. Hopefully some day they will be great friends.

Everytime she sees a camera she gives a cheesy smile and says "cheese"

Savanna enjoying some of the delicious treats we had on New Years Eve

Lori and Aaron and Reid having an interesting discussion.

This doesn't have much to do with New Year's but has started building Mitch's room in the basement-so exciting!

This year I wanted to set a few goals or resolutions for 2011, I looked back to see if I kept my resolutions for last year and realized that I never set any. So I am going to try to do better this year.
1. Lose at least another 10 lbs, and hopefully 20.
2. Run another 1/2 marathon
3. Try to work on my food storage.
4- Read the Book of Mormon as a family- so far we have done it every night this week. Only 51 more weeks to go this year.
5- Build up our savings account so we have a couple months worth of savings.
We will see how I do.


Nat said...

Good goals! I want to get a few months of money in savings as well-just in case, you know? And we read our scriptures together every night, but it's only 10 verses for now. But that's better than nothing, right? Someday I want it to be more than that, but my kids can barely sit still for the minute it takes to read just that much.

Robin said...

I loved how Savannah's room turned out! That will be so exciting for Mitch to see his getting finished too! Good job setting your resolutions. I need to be brave and post mine so I will be accountable for them. Reading scriptures daily with our kids has made a world of difference in our home. I can't believe we waited so long to start!

Lori said...

New Year's Eve was fun! Thanks for having us over. You're so good to set resolutions, I'm chicken! Here's to a great year!