Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lesson's learned- sometimes the hard way

I want to write down some thoughts I have been having so that I will remember these feelings.

I think that I am meant to learn a life lesson because several times in the past few weeks it has been brought to my attention that I shouldn't have said, or told someone something that I did. I have never really thought of myself as a "gossip" and it has never been my intention to cause harm or hurt feelings to another person. However I have learned that even if hurt feelings are not intended they can be hurt anyway. I want to do better, I am turning over a new leaf. I know that I will still fall short of perfection but I know that with help from above I can be a better person.

I read this quote from Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf that says "As disciples of Jesus Christ, our Master, we are called to support and heal rather than condemn." It is not my responsibility to judge another, especially when I walk so imperfectly. I don't know what another person is going through so instead of placing judgement I will try to love and help where I can. I loved the talk by Pres. Thomas S. Monson at women's conference this year when he talked about how his wife couldn't find a seat at General Conference, and so when someone asked her to sit in some assigned seating she did so. Then heard some gossiping from the ladies behind her about "Who does she think she is that she can sit here". Then in that same meeting her husband was called as a General Authority. I'm sure those women felt bad about judging her before. I don't want to find myself in their shoes.

I am so thankful that our Savior makes it possible for me to repent and start over.


Nancy J said...

way to go Rachel. i think you do great already. You gave me something to think about.

becky ward said...

i loved those thoughts shared too! thanks for the reminder.

Robin said...

I have had the same thoughts a lot over the past year. My calling has really opened my eyes to the fact that we don't always know what others are going through and we should really look for the positive in everyone. Everyone has something great to share and if we look for that, we see the world in a much better light. Thanks for your example!

Valeen said...

I loved President Monsons talk too. I think we all need to remember to "wash our windows" before we say anything. But we are also human and prone to imperfection. But at least we are all on the path. Love ya!