Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First hair cut

Before- It looks kind of crazy because I pulled out the ponytail she had on the top of her head.

I wasn't sure what to do with Carolina's hair, it was starting to look like a mulet, and I thought if I trimmed it up a little it might just look a little thicker. So I trimmed it around the back and on the sides. I thought it turned out really cute.



Charity said...

did ruth pass out in the second picture? j/k. The haircut turned out great! I always found it nerve-wracking to cut girls hair. Now the boys, that another story, buzz, buzz!

Lori said...

You are so brave to cut your kids' hair. I'm too chicken. She's a cutie!

Roxanne said...

I love it! Such a cute little girl. Way to go Rach!

Nat said...

I hate the mullet stage! You'd think that hair would all grow at the same rate, but no! So weird. You did a great job. Ivy always moves her head at the last minute when I'm trying to cut hers.