Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Busy Summer so far!

I haven't posted any blog updates for a while, only because we have been very busy! Now that it is finally warming up it feels like summer!

I love the summer time, I have so many fun memories as a child from the summer. Playing in the backyard with the neighbors for hours, jumping on the tramp with the sprinkler, riding bikes, swimming, staying up late night after night, picnics, getting shaved ices and many other fun things. I am trying to give my kids these same kind of memories. I never realized how exhausting it is for the mother.

We are doing t-ball and pitching machine for Mitch and Savanna. They are loving it and doing very well. I am coaching Mitchel's team and never realized how much energy it takes to be the coach. It makes me appreciate all the ladies that have coaches my kids in years past.

We have spent lots of time outside riding bikes. The kids and I havc rode our bikes over to my parents house several times already this year- they love doing it! I have a bike trailer so Treyton and Carolina get in that and Savanna and Mitch ride their bikes. They feel like it is a real adventure even though it is only less than a mile away from our house.

The kids have spent lots of time playing with their cousins, they love them so much. It is fun to have best friends so close! I hope they will always be good friends with their cousins.

We are staying up later at night than we should, but we are trying to keep up on the reading so we aren't all bad.

Reid has been having fun going on rides on his motorbike- he is still a major kid at heart.

I am trying to get back into running and am trying to make some time for myself to do some training for a 1/2 marathon. I forgot how hard this is- hopefully I will be able to lose some weight in the process.

We have a few fun camping trips planned for the rest of the summer that we are looking forward to.

I hope that my kids can look back on their summers as children and remember them fondly like I do.


Mickey said...

You are always doing fun things with your kids. You are amazing. I appreciate what a great mom you are. Your kids are always so helpful and kind and ready to be there for one another. That is something they learn from kindness at home. Hope the summer can be a good one for you. It was fun yesterday afternoon.
this is mom. in case this comes up as roxanne!

Janae -- Thoughts in Vinyl said...

I love summer time too. I am worried though that once I heal from having the c-section and my kids return to being with me all day that they won't think summer is as fun. They have been passed around the neighborhood all week long and are loving every minute of it.

Nat said...

So busy! WOW! And good luck with the 1/2 marathon. I ran a 5K and about died! (Then again, I hate running, so...) I love hearing about all the things you guys do and seeing all the pictures.