Life has been a little crazy the last couple of weeks: Here is just a brief update of what we have been up to.
Carolina- Just along for the ride. She is so smiley and a sweet little baby, but definately does not let us forget that she is a part of this family. She will not be ignored. She is sleeping really good at night and usually is only up one time per night for a feeding around 3 or 4 am.
Treyton- His speech is improving each day, he is still doing speech therapy, he loves Gunda his therapist. He completely got rid of the pacifier about a month ago- I know it is about time. (He was down to nap and night time for a while. and we finally put our foot down and completely did away with it, it wasn't as painful as I had anticipated it being.) He is really enjoying going to school (Koala Kids) twice a week, he loves being in Leah's class. He is a very stubborn child, who is going through some changes. This for me is the hardest age, you still can't really reason with them, but they know exactly what they want. We are going to work on potty training again here shortly.
Mitchel- Is liking Kindergarten, but hating getting up in the morning every day. We are really struggling in the morning, no matter how early we go to bed. Tuesday night he went to bed at 6:00 pm, and he was still a grump in the morning. He is always happy when he comes home from school however. He doesn't love the homework either, but I have found if we do it right after school he is much better about it. When he started kindergarten 2 weeks ago he could only write (Mit) for his name, but already he can write the whole thing no problem. He does so much better when other people besides Mom work with him. I hope that he can be successful this year. I have a hard time not comparing him to Savanna, because she loved school so much, and everything came so easy for her academically. I just need to remember she was almost 6 when she started kindergarten and her personality is totally different then his. He is a good kid.
Savanna- She is loving first grade, she loves going all day to school and loves eating lunch there. She is very happy and all week has been coming home and playing school in her room with her stuffed animals. She has also started piano lesson and is enjoying it (although she hates for me to interrupt her playing school to have to practice the piano.) She is a really good big sister and helps me a lot with Carolina and even tries to help Mitch with his homework (he doesn't like that very much.)
Rachel- I went back to work after 3 months maternity leave. It is a little stressful getting out the door, but once at work I love it there. I am working 2 days a week and it is the perfect job for me. I feel so lucky to work with such great people and having a job that I like. I get to take Treyton and Carolina with me and so I can feed Carolina anytime I need to. I feel like between work, homework, housework, church callings, and feeding my husband and children I stay way too busy. But I can't complain life is really good and I feel lucky to have everyone happy and healthy at our house.
Reid- Still working a lot at the site and a few side jobs here and there. He is excited to have the start of the college football season going- he loves watching BYU football. He has been helping his brother Ben paint his new store that he is opening so we haven't seen a lot of him the last week or so. He is also been spending some time working on our new (used) 5th wheel and getting it all fixed up. He would go crazy without a project. His little boy Treyton follows him where ever he goes.
That is our life for the past couple of weeks, since I use my blog as my journal I thought I would record some of this. I never realized how difficult it would be to have 4 children, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I have come to really appreciate my parents, and grandparents who raised more children than that. I feel a huge weight of responsibility to get these little spirits grown up to healthy, happy, well adjusted adults.