Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Potty training- no such luck!

I was fully prepared to spend the day today in the bathroom with Treyton and get him potty trained. I did this same thing with Mitchel and he was potty trained in 1 day, but after a couple of hours I have given up. My strategy was to have him drink tons of liquids, eat salty snacks (to make him thirsty), and have him sit on the potty chair while we read stories and played games. This lasted all of about 15 minutes and he wanted off the chair. So I let him get off for a minute and he wet his pants. He wanted his diaper back on and he was done. I even had a whole bunch of dollar store prizes all wrapped and ready to let him pick a prize every time he went in the toilet. Maybey he isn't ready yet, I am a firm believer that if you wait until they are really ready it will be much easier. I am just so sick and tired of changing his poopy diapers. Maybey I will try again tomorrow and see if it goes better- at least now he knows how it feels to have wet pants. If anyone has any suggestions I will take them!


Roxanne said...

Sounds like fun! If I had any experience in this area I would gladly lend some advise, but I must decline. All I have to say is...good luck, and keep up the good work!

stevie kay said...

I got a potty chair so I could move it around the house with us. That way you aren't stuck in the bathroom. Totally nasty, but good for the very beginning before I could switch him to the regular toilet.

Plastic pants over underwear helps them to feel that they're wet when they have an accident without the floor becoming wet too.

Other than that, I guess it's just all on Treyton's time :-)

Nat said...

Ugh. I hate potty training. And I need to do Troy soon. If you figure out the super secret, let me know! Good luck!