Friday, February 27, 2009

Such a Air Head

I guess that I will blame it on being pregnant, but I am such an air head lately. Yesterday I forgot Savanna's gymnastics class, and today I forgot Mitchel's dentist appointment. I am scared at what I will forget next!!


CharityMay said...

my best friend calls that 'placenta brain'. it just sucks it out of you! kind of gross, but it's true!

Nat said...

I wonder why pregnant women get like that. (So, yeah, not just you.)

Natalie♥ said...

Don't worry I am like that and I am not pregnant!!! It just called being a Mom and having a lot on your mind, your normal :) How are ya anyway? Are you feeling good? I want to see your cute pregnant belly. I haven't talked to you forever. Are you excited for the baby? Any names picked out yet? Sorry for the twenty questions :)