Friday, August 1, 2008

10 miles

I have mentioned before in previous posts that I am going to run the Mesa Falls 1/2 marathon on August 23rd. I am trying to get ready for this, and today I did a 10 mile run. I went around the river and Freemon Park and up around the Pancheri bridge. It was beautiful and I decided that from now on instead of running on busy roads with no scenery I am going to run in places that are pretty and enjoyable. It was so much fun today and I even felt like I could keep going after my run. I am finally starting to feel like I may be ok for this 1/2 marathon--Just 3 more weeks!!!


Zoe said...

I'm so impressed! I could never see myself running that far even when I'm not pregnant! You're going to do great. Maybe one day I'll have the motivation to try something like that, I'm excited to just be back in shape after being pregnant, only 4 1/2 weeks to go, YEAH!

Mickey said...

you are awesome. you need to fill me in on the time and exact place. I would like to be there to cheer you on.