Tuesday, October 14, 2014

And just like that Savanna turns 12

I don't know how this happened so fast, my oldest child Savanna turned 12 this month.  This is a pretty big milestone birthday with her now moving into Young Women's and getting her ears pierced.  We didn't have a friend party for her this year, but she did get two family birthday parties and a shopping trip/ear piercing trip with her Grandma and Mom.  We had lots of fun.  Savanna is a great girl and I am so lucky to get to have the chance to be her Mother.  She is very kind and a great example to her younger siblings.  This last week she also ran for Student Body President, she didn't end of winning but she had fun preparing for it and making her campaign video.  She is lucky though because her essay was chosen she will still be on the student body council.

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