Saturday, June 28, 2014

First Year of Little League

Mitchel played Little League this year for the first time with the Hillcrest Youth Baseball league.  It was a good learning year for him.  It started out a little rough but by the end of the season he hit his groove and ended up getting some great plays and lots of good hits.  He was on the Athletics team with Nathan Johns as the coach.  We lucked out getting on the same team with Braydon Byington which was nice because we carpooled a lot with them and Mitch and Braydon rode their  bikes to practice most of the time over at Discovery Elementary where they practiced.  This took a lot more time than pitching machine ever did.  Practice twice a week and games twice a week.  Each game was about 2 1/2 hours.  There were lots of long game, but Mitch really enjoyed it and we will for sure do it again.

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