Unloading the fertilizer
North Dakota
Another North Dakota sign
Finally back in Idaho!
Carolina and Mitch were so excited to have her home!
Savanna had the great opportunity to spend her spring break with Reid in his truck on the road. It was kind of a crazy week because the normal loads that he does aren't there right now, they are waiting for the salt contracts and so they had to haul fertilizer and grain to South and North Dakota. So she started out her week on Sunday after church going up to Helena, MT where they delivered salt, then down to Ogden where they delivered lumber, then over to Soda Springs to get fertilizer, then to South Dakota to unload the fertilizer, and then to North Dakota to pick up grain and then home to IF. It felt like a really long week for me having both Reid and Savanna gone, but it was nice to know that Reid wasn't alone and he had a traveling companion. I think Savanna had a lot of fun, but was relieved to get home last night and sleep in her own bed.