Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a fabulous Christmas this year. The only thing that could have made it better was if Reid hadn't have had to work, although I am not complaining about it because I am grateful that he has a good job. We were lucky enough to have Santa make an early stop at our house on Christmas Eve so that we could see what he brought us while Dad was home. The kids were very excited with all of their gifts that he brought them. Here are some pictures.

Savanna got a Baby Alive- a doll that you actually feed and it pees and poops. It has been very entertaining watching her care for this baby. She also got a new scooter and some books.
Carolina got a Little Mermaid trike along with a doll and some books.

Treyton got a Nerf gun, a truck with a fifth wheel attached and some books and t-shirts
. The first thing he noticed was that Sants didn't bring him his Handy Manny tools he had asked for. I guess that sometimes Santa knows best.
Mitch also got a truck with a fifth wheel, and a scooter and t-shirts and books

This was our tree with the presents under them

Christmas Eve we spent at my parents house, we had our annual nativity scene with the kids all playing parts. Treyton and McKay were the shepherds

Carolina was a lamb- although I was lucky to get a picture cause she didn't want any part of this costume.
Cooper, Elijah and Mitchel were the wise men.
Easton and Savanna were Mary and Joseph and little baby Naomi was the baby Jesus

We all had parts in the program- our family sang "Away in a Manger" and Savanna played her songs on the piano.

Carolina loved her trike

Savanna was excited about her new books
The boys were very excited about all their goods
The kids in their new Christmas outfits today before church. They look so cute!

All in all it was a fabulous Christmas. I feel so loved and blessed. Reid spoiled me with some new boots, running shoes and church shoes. He also got me a gift card to JCPenney to get family pictures. I can't wait!


Robin said...

Your kids looked so cute in their new Church clothes at church yesterday! You do such a great job with them--they always look so adorable. Christmas at your house looked so fun, and so nice of Santa to come early!

Roxanne said...

Looks like loads of fun! I love Christmas time and all that goes with it. I really think your annual nativity play is really cool. It is fun to see the kids all dressed up and remembering Christ. Glad Santa could come early, too. What a treat. He came early for us as well! He must be pretty accommodating! :)

Lori said...

It was a Merry Christmas! So glad you could have time with Reid even though he had to work. It was fun seeing you all Christmas Day. McK loves her new shirt and fleece!