Here is a picture of Treyton getting ready for the carnival.

I took this picture of Trey and Mitchel eating their yogurt for breakfast yesterday, I just thought they looked so cute!
Ok, I really don't have time to sit down and post a blog, but this is my way of relaxing for a minute. This has been my craziest, jam packed week of the year so far. We are doing our annual sugar cookie fundraiser at Koala Kids this week, so I am working lots of extra hours this week (I don't know how full-time working mother's do it.) Along with helping with the book fair at Discovery Elementary, Dr. appointments, Ward Carnival, Parent Teacher Conference, tumbling class, gymnastics class, trick or treating at Melaleuca, celebrating Haloween, costumes, and training for work on Saturday. Not to mention all the regular stuff like laundry, cooking dinner, picking up the house, giving baths, etc. And of course Reid picked up some extra shifts at work, so I am home alone. I kind of feel like my head is going to explode. I just have to keep telling my self that it is only one week and then it will be over. At least I don't have any sick kids this week, that might just throw me over the edge.
Oh man you guys could have called me this week to help with cookies! I hope next week isn't as crazy for you!
Hang in there! It's almost over! Is your costume "supermom" this year? I know mine is! Ha Ha! Your an awesome mom! My little one was home sick today from school! Hopefully not tomorrow! Darn stuff is going around though!
Now you know how I feel all of the time!
UGH! I hate the crazy busy weeks! This week has been a little crazy for me, too, but we'll survive and hopefully next week won't be as bad for you!
This could have been a post on my blog this week! I am glad I am not alone. I feel like I am drowning this week. So many things are falling by the wayside, thank goodness this week is almost over. I wonder if it will ever really slow down.
O my gosh Rachel you have been so busy! Blogging is my way of relaxing as well. I hope things went okay for you and your days have slowed down now. I have been thinking about you this week, I am always afraid to call because I forget the days that you work.
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