Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I just need to breath!
Here is a picture of Treyton getting ready for the carnival.

I took this picture of Trey and Mitchel eating their yogurt for breakfast yesterday, I just thought they looked so cute!
Ok, I really don't have time to sit down and post a blog, but this is my way of relaxing for a minute. This has been my craziest, jam packed week of the year so far. We are doing our annual sugar cookie fundraiser at Koala Kids this week, so I am working lots of extra hours this week (I don't know how full-time working mother's do it.) Along with helping with the book fair at Discovery Elementary, Dr. appointments, Ward Carnival, Parent Teacher Conference, tumbling class, gymnastics class, trick or treating at Melaleuca, celebrating Haloween, costumes, and training for work on Saturday. Not to mention all the regular stuff like laundry, cooking dinner, picking up the house, giving baths, etc. And of course Reid picked up some extra shifts at work, so I am home alone. I kind of feel like my head is going to explode. I just have to keep telling my self that it is only one week and then it will be over. At least I don't have any sick kids this week, that might just throw me over the edge.
Treyton's birthday party
We celebrated Treyton's 2nd birthday this last weekend, we ended up having two seperate parties, one with both sides of the family. On Saturday we had a party with the Sargent family. I got the cake all ready and we were singing to Treyton and he was so excited, you could tell he felt special. As he was getting ready to blow out his candles, he fell right out of his chair and landed right in his cake, candles burning and all. I felt so bad for him, because he just started to bawl. Luckily we had no major injury and we were able to calm him down and start over within minutes. He got lots of fun things from everybody, and he was so cute while opening his gifts.
On Sunday we celebrated Reid's Dad's birthday along with Treyton's with the Fuhriman family. It was fun to get together with his family, and it was cute to watch Treyton and his Grandpa share their birthday's. At this party, Treyton knew exactly what he was doing and he really got into opening his presents, it was so cute!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Happy 2nd Birthday Treyton!!!

2 years ago on October 25th 2006, I gave birth to my 3rd baby Treyton Van Fuhriman. He has been a such a joy to our family. It is amazing to me that each child comes with their own unique personalities. He was such a perfect little baby, and as he has grown he has turned into a very happy, busy little boy!! We love him so much and are so happy to have him in our family. Savanna and Mitchel both love him so much, and they love to help take care of him.
This boy is kind of an accident waiting to happen, he is constantly putting himself into dangerous situations. Many times I have felt that my whole job in life right now is just to keep him alive. He is definately full of energy. He loves to cuddle, suck on his pacifier (yes, he still has it!), play with my hair, take his blanket around every where he goes. I think because he is my baby, I have been letting him be a baby a little bit longer that I let my other kids. He is just such a blessing in my life, and I thank my Heavenly Father for such a sweet blessing!
Monday, October 20, 2008
I've been tagged!
My friend Natalie tagged me on this it was kind of hard for me to come up with 7 things, but here I go, here are the rules.
Share 7 random or weird facts about yourself. Tag 7 other people and leave a comment on their blog that they have been tagged.
1. I still haven't figured out how to do a lot of stuff on this blogging thing. Like I can't figure out how to use "The Cutest Blog on the Block" I know you are all thinking that I must be an idiot, but I have seriously tried to figure it out like 5 times. Each time I go on there I can't get it to work, and so I just give up. That is why I still have the boring old blog background. If anyone has any advice I am listening!!!
2. I am not very organized, if you come to my house it usually is pretty clean. Things are put away and it looks presentable, but if you were to open up the drawers, pantry, cupboards and closets you would be shocked, and I would want to die. It drives my husband crazy, because he is much more organized than me. I usually try to organize a couple of times a year, but they just go back to being disorganized within a few weeks. I figure if it bugs him that much he could organize it himself!!
3. I love to exercize, and I am kind of obsessed about it. I have to exercize 6 times a week, if I don't I feel horrible, and will end up doing it late at night. I usually get up early (like 5:30 or 6:00) and exercize and I have to do it for at least 90 minutes. Even if I am not feeling great I tell myself ok, only for 30 minutes, but I always end up doing at least 1 hour if not 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I love how it makes me feel, plus I love to eat so I have to do it or else I would be as big as a house. This is not always such a good thing, because I sacrifice other things that I should be doing to get the exercize in. I have gotten a little bit better, because last year at this time when I was really focusing on losing weight I would do it twice a day. I would drag my kids downstairs with me while I got on the treadmill or bike in the afternoon after having already done it early in the morning, but now I have cut it down to only once a day.
4. I am really a home body, I get homesick if I am even away for 1 day. I just like being in my own space. I remember after I had Mitchel and he was a brand new baby Reid had to go back to work and he was working nights, so my Mom had me and Savanna, and Mitch come and sleep over at her house so that she could help me with the baby and Savanna, she was still a baby herself. During the middle of the night I couldn't hardly stand it, I just wanted to go home and be in my own place. We made it through the night, but I remember thinking that I would never do that again.
5. I love to hang out with my family. My siblings, parents, Aunts, and cousins have always been my best friends. Some of the best times of my life have been sitting around my parents kitchen visiting with family.
6. I am terrible about staying in touch with old friends and people from the past. That is a huge regret of mine. I don't keep in touch with any of my old roommates or mission companions. There are tons of people out there that have meant a lot to me in my life and I have no idea what they are up to now. Maybey someday I will make that right!
7. I don't like to go camping, but I am married to someone that does, so I go quite a bit. My kids also love it so I try to be a good sport. I hate being dirty, I hate using outhouses, I hate not sleeping in my own bed. I do not enjoy the packing and un-packing and the whole thing. But I will keep doing it because I think it is important to the kids to make these good memories, and I try to not be grumpy about it.
I tag, Shanda, Nikki, Hillary G., Ted & Kaylee, Lori, Ben & Genelle
Share 7 random or weird facts about yourself. Tag 7 other people and leave a comment on their blog that they have been tagged.
1. I still haven't figured out how to do a lot of stuff on this blogging thing. Like I can't figure out how to use "The Cutest Blog on the Block" I know you are all thinking that I must be an idiot, but I have seriously tried to figure it out like 5 times. Each time I go on there I can't get it to work, and so I just give up. That is why I still have the boring old blog background. If anyone has any advice I am listening!!!
2. I am not very organized, if you come to my house it usually is pretty clean. Things are put away and it looks presentable, but if you were to open up the drawers, pantry, cupboards and closets you would be shocked, and I would want to die. It drives my husband crazy, because he is much more organized than me. I usually try to organize a couple of times a year, but they just go back to being disorganized within a few weeks. I figure if it bugs him that much he could organize it himself!!
3. I love to exercize, and I am kind of obsessed about it. I have to exercize 6 times a week, if I don't I feel horrible, and will end up doing it late at night. I usually get up early (like 5:30 or 6:00) and exercize and I have to do it for at least 90 minutes. Even if I am not feeling great I tell myself ok, only for 30 minutes, but I always end up doing at least 1 hour if not 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I love how it makes me feel, plus I love to eat so I have to do it or else I would be as big as a house. This is not always such a good thing, because I sacrifice other things that I should be doing to get the exercize in. I have gotten a little bit better, because last year at this time when I was really focusing on losing weight I would do it twice a day. I would drag my kids downstairs with me while I got on the treadmill or bike in the afternoon after having already done it early in the morning, but now I have cut it down to only once a day.
4. I am really a home body, I get homesick if I am even away for 1 day. I just like being in my own space. I remember after I had Mitchel and he was a brand new baby Reid had to go back to work and he was working nights, so my Mom had me and Savanna, and Mitch come and sleep over at her house so that she could help me with the baby and Savanna, she was still a baby herself. During the middle of the night I couldn't hardly stand it, I just wanted to go home and be in my own place. We made it through the night, but I remember thinking that I would never do that again.
5. I love to hang out with my family. My siblings, parents, Aunts, and cousins have always been my best friends. Some of the best times of my life have been sitting around my parents kitchen visiting with family.
6. I am terrible about staying in touch with old friends and people from the past. That is a huge regret of mine. I don't keep in touch with any of my old roommates or mission companions. There are tons of people out there that have meant a lot to me in my life and I have no idea what they are up to now. Maybey someday I will make that right!
7. I don't like to go camping, but I am married to someone that does, so I go quite a bit. My kids also love it so I try to be a good sport. I hate being dirty, I hate using outhouses, I hate not sleeping in my own bed. I do not enjoy the packing and un-packing and the whole thing. But I will keep doing it because I think it is important to the kids to make these good memories, and I try to not be grumpy about it.
I tag, Shanda, Nikki, Hillary G., Ted & Kaylee, Lori, Ben & Genelle
Friday, October 17, 2008
Hunting Season
Well Hunting Season has come again and I have to say that I am not loving it. Reid is hunting this weekend, and so it is just me and the kids until tomorrow night (probably, unless he gets something and comes home early). Last night I took the kids out to dinner at Papa Kelsey's, and I told myself that I will never do that again. Mitchel and Treyton wanted to run all over the restaurant and by the time we got our food, I had just about had enough! Then we went to Target because we had to get McKinley a birthday present and a baby gift for a shower I am going to tomorrow, and by the time I left the store I was a nervous wreck. They don't want to stay in the cart, and they want to wander, which is just a bad idea. So anyway, I will be waiting until I am not a single mother anymore before I venture to anymore stores or at least get a babysitter or something!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It's good to be home!
Ok, it seems like I have been doing this a lot lately, but this weekend I left my husband and children home and went out of town again. I got to go to Salt Lake with some girls from work for an Early Childhood Education Conference. It was fun to spend the time bonding with the girls and to laugh a lot, but it is always best to come home. It is amazing how much I miss my little ones, even though I was only gone a little over 24 hours.
The conference was reallly great, even though I don't work in the classrooms with the children, I learned a ton of things and got some great ideas mostlly to do with my own children. I feel really lucky to have the job that I have. I work with great people, I like what I do, and you can't beat the hours and flexiblity especially with a young family.
The conference was reallly great, even though I don't work in the classrooms with the children, I learned a ton of things and got some great ideas mostlly to do with my own children. I feel really lucky to have the job that I have. I work with great people, I like what I do, and you can't beat the hours and flexiblity especially with a young family.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Another tooth bites the dust
Today while Savanna was on her first Kindergarten field trip to the Apple Orchard she took a bite of an apple and she said that it hurt her tooth. So she didn't eat any more of it. Then they went to ice cream and while eating her ice cream cone her 2nd tooth on the bottom fell out. When she got off the bus she was so excited to show me. Her teacher put it in a tooth shaped container and tied it around her neck. I guess that this happens a lot in kindergarten. I guess that the tooth fairy will be coming again tonight!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Where's my patience?
I just have to vent for a minute. I am frustrated with myself. I have really good kids, but they are very normal and I don't have very much patience with them sometimes. I feel really bad because this afternoon I was helping Savanna with her homework, and she just wasn't getting one of her pages. I explained it over and over, and she was trying but just wasn't grasping it. Instead of being a good Mom and being patient and kind, I wasn't very nice and told her that I was done, and we would have to come back to it later. I know that I made her feel bad, but I just couldn't help it. I don't understand why I would act that way, what is my problem?
Also tonight Treyton spilled juice on the floor and so I was cleaning it up, and the floor was wet and Mitchel came running through the kitchen and of course fell and hurt himself. And instead of comforting him like a good Mom would do, I yelled and told him that I was so sick and tired of them rough housing and it was time for bed. I picked him up and carried him to the bathroom, brushed his teeth without a word and tucked him in bed, the whole while he was crying. I did go back later and apologize and give him a kiss, but I feel like such a failure that I can't be more patient with them.
Sometimes I am better than others, but the last couple of days I have felt so frustrated with them for silly things. I need to remember that they are just 6, 4, and almost 2, they are still just learning! It's a good thing that kids are so forgiving, and that they seem to love me unconditionally. I need to learn this lesson from them.
Also tonight Treyton spilled juice on the floor and so I was cleaning it up, and the floor was wet and Mitchel came running through the kitchen and of course fell and hurt himself. And instead of comforting him like a good Mom would do, I yelled and told him that I was so sick and tired of them rough housing and it was time for bed. I picked him up and carried him to the bathroom, brushed his teeth without a word and tucked him in bed, the whole while he was crying. I did go back later and apologize and give him a kiss, but I feel like such a failure that I can't be more patient with them.
Sometimes I am better than others, but the last couple of days I have felt so frustrated with them for silly things. I need to remember that they are just 6, 4, and almost 2, they are still just learning! It's a good thing that kids are so forgiving, and that they seem to love me unconditionally. I need to learn this lesson from them.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Birthday celebrations all around!
Friday night we celebrated Savanna's birthday with the Sargent family, and Saturday afternoon we celebrated Savanna and Corri's birthday with the Fuhriman family. So it has been a fun birthday weekend.
Savanna got a lot of fun gifts! We gave her a new winter coat, the swimming dog she has been asking for, the game "Guess Who?" and a new gymnastics outfit. She got roller skates from my parents, and so she has been rolling around the house all weekend. She got some cute new PJ's, and the mermaid barbie that she wanted from Aunt Ruth, PJ's from Leah, and a darling new dress from Angie and Steve.
At the Fuhriman party she got a big princess game set from Grandma & Grandpa, a darling princess dress up set from the Hamiltons, a cute gymnastics outfit from the Anglins, Some Kindergarten workbooks from the Conovers, Holli & Ben gave her a kindergarten math workbook, and Uncle Danny gave her the movie, "Anastasia."
At the Fuhriman party she got a big princess game set from Grandma & Grandpa, a darling princess dress up set from the Hamiltons, a cute gymnastics outfit from the Anglins, Some Kindergarten workbooks from the Conovers, Holli & Ben gave her a kindergarten math workbook, and Uncle Danny gave her the movie, "Anastasia."
Talk about spoiled! But she felt loved and special. We also got to open her presents on Saturday at Uncle Ben's new ice cream store "Sub Zero" and we got to have ice cream there!
Happy Birthday Corri!
Reid's sister Corri's birthday is today! We celebrated it yesterday with Savanna. We wanted to wish Corri a Happy Birthday and let her know that we love her. She is expecting her 5th baby at the beginning of November. It is kind of weird because when I was pregnant with Mitch, she was pregnant with Sarah, and when I was pregnant with Treyton she was pregnant with Alex. So it is kind of weird not to be going through another pregnancy together. She lives in Salt Lake and so we were happy to see her this weekend. Corri is a very kind and generous person and we are so glad that she is in our family!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Savanna's 6 year old birthday!

Today is Savanna's 6th birthday. I can't believe that it is even possible, it seems like just yesterday that I was pregnant with her. She has been an incredible blessing in our lives, I am so thankful that she got to come to our family! Just to tell you a little bit about our Savanna:
1. She is an incredible thoughtful person, she wants to make everyone around her happy.
2. She is very organized, and spends many hours per week cleaning her room and organizing her closet.
3. She is very much a "girly, girl" She loves to dress up and do her hair, and put on make up if I ever let her.
4. She is good at almost everything she tries, she is good at gymnastics, running, sports, school work, and riding her bike. And these are just the things that she has tried.
5. She loves to play games, we would play games all day if I was up for it.
6. She loves to play with her cousins and friends, she makes friends easily and other kids like to be around her.
There are many more hundreds of reasons that she is a special little girl, these are just a few, but I just wanted to let you all know.
Best Friends
Mitchel and Treyton have turned into the best of friends lately. I think with Savanna in school in the morning they have really bonded. I hope that they always stay friends. Treyton loves the little battery powered 4-wheeler that we have, and he has just recently figured out how to make it go. It is kind of scary, since he doesn't really know how to steer. But last night and tonight, I positioned the steering so it would go in a circle, and he just went around and around laughing. I finally got Mitchel to get on with him to help him steer it, it is so fun to watch.
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