Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Treyton's football

Treyton played flag football this year with the new Iona League.  He loved every minute of it.  He played on Phil and Julie Beck's team.  He is a great little player and had the chance to get many touch downs this season.  He is so fast, and fun to watch!

Savanna turns 13

Our sweet Savanna turned 13 this year.  How is that even possible.  She is officially a teenager.  She really is a good girl, she is an excellent student, great on the piano, a good example to her siblings, and definitely a great athlete.  I am so proud of the young women that she is becoming.  She got a new dress, some basketball shoes, a new lunch bag for school, and a new watch from us.  She got a bunch of new clothes from her aunts and uncles and the Sargent grandparents got her some basketball clothes, and from the Fuhriman grandparents she got some fun card games and a beach towel.
Savanna wanted a strawberry cake

I told her that she could have a birthday party but she didn't really want to .  So we celebrated up at Sheep Creek and then again with my family.  And then later in the month we had a birthday celebration for all the October birthdays with the Fuhrimans.  It was a full month of celebrating for her.

Mitchel's football 2015

Mitchel played Grid Kid football again this year.  He had a great season.  He played on Mike Hansen's team and had a lot of fun playing on the same team as all his friends.  They had a tough season and didn't actually win any games, but he learned a lot about the game and enjoyed himself.  We were really proud of how hard he worked and feel like it was a great learning year.  He played defense and was strong and a great player.

Some of his buddies Kaiden Hansen, Gabe Bingham and Kaiden Taylor

Mitchel was #22

Spider Party 2015

My Mom had her annual "spider party" at the beginning of October.  She went all out as usual, she helped the kids make piñatas earlier in the summer, she did treasure hunts for all the different age groups, she has spidergetti (spaghetti for lunch) and sang "There is No Such Thing as a Witch".  Stevan even gave a little speech on spiders.  She invited all her grandkids and the neighborhood kids.  My Mom is truly an example to me of what kind of Grandma I want to be.
I made these spider cookies

Carolina and Naomi at lunch

Treyton and Naomi


Mitch, Cooper and Elijah

All the pinatas

Steve doing his spider talk

She also had everyone make their own plates, they turned out so cute!

Mitchel made Sponge Bob's pineapple house

Treyton's baseball

Carolina did a penguin

Savanna's strawberry pinata

Grandma's spider pinata