My Aunt Chris invited me to go hike Table Rock this year, it is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I hiked it 2 other times when I was in Young Women over 20 years ago. I remember complaining and hating the hike the whole time back then, and I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it without complaining and maybe actually enjoy myself.
We went with Chris, her 3 girls Alex, Randi and Sydney, and Uncle Calvin. It ended up being a great time! It took us quite a while to get up the Mountain, mostly because Calvin wasn't as prepared for the hike so he needed to take lots of breaks. But that was ok, we really enjoyed each other's company and had a great time. The top of Table Rock is totally breath taking and absolutely worth every effort to get there. The hike down is almost worse than going up simply because your feet really take a pounding. By the time we were about half way down the mountain I realized that I had lost my camera. I knew exactly where I had left it. I took it off my wrist to go to the bathroom and forgot to pick it back up. I was very discouraged because of my history with losing camera's. But because it was getting late and we were in danger of not making it down before dark we knew that we could not go back and get it. About that same time we made the decision to split off into groups, we had 1 flashlight and we knew that we wouldn't be able to see so Randi and I took off going as fast as we could to the bottom so that we could get there before dark, then Alex and Sydney came next. They went a bit slower because Alex had hurt her knee. They got down about 45 minutes after us. Then last came Chris and Calvin, they got down about 15 minutes later. It was pretty dark by then so it was a good thing that we split off.
It was a great experience and hope that I am able to hike it again soon.
(The best part of this story is that a few days later I got my camera mailed to me, someone had found it on the Mountain and luckily I had my name and address on it so she was kind enough to send it to me.)
Randy, Alex, Sydney, Calvin and Me
Randy, Alex, Sydney, Calvin and Chris
The old ones here!
Me, taking a break!
The Hepworth Girls |
Chris pushing Calvin along- Brother and Sisterly love!
I hate these rocks!
Chris and I
This is a rock, that is like a recliner!
Me and Alex on top! What a view!
Chris and Calvin finally made it! I wanted to cry!

Touching the grand!