Today was Savanna's class award/slide show. I was able to sneak away from work and go to it. Of course I cried again during the slide show. I can't believe that I will have a 3rd grader next school year. Savanna had a wonderful 2nd grade year. Mrs. O'Rullian was her teacher and she was so great! We love her and hope that next year Mitch gets her too. She is so kind, yet she pushes her kids to achieve their very best.
Today during the awards ceremony she gave each of her kids a binder that has some of their work from the year in it along with a few pictures. She also awarded each child a certificate with an award from her about something she loved about each child. Savanna was awarded the "Being an enthusiastic participant" award. She said that Savanna was always very willing to participate and was always ready with the answer to her questions.
Savanna did great during 2nd great, she is a wonderful reader and has been very motivated each day to come home and get her homework done without me having to nag her.