It has been a long time since I have updated my blog, partially because there hasn't been much going on, and partially because I just haven't been in the mood to do it. We have been really busy at our house. Reid has been working a lot of extra shifts at work, the extra money is helpful, but I get really tired of being home alone with the kids. He has also taken on several extra projects that has kept him really busy. He helped paint his parents kitchen, he has taken a few other painting jobs, and he is currently trying to finish Savanna's room in the basement. Sometimes I wonder how he does it all with such little sleep. I appreciate his hard work ethic and feel lucky he is my husband.
I have been keeping busy being a Mom, wife, and trying to take care of myself. After struggling to lose all the weight that I gained when I was pregnant with Carolina I finally gave in and joined weight watchers again. It is such a great program, and I know that it works for me. Going to the weekly meetings and the weigh in's are really motivating to me. It has been 1 month and I have lost 14 lbs so far and 2 inches around my waiste and 2 inches around my hips. I still have a ways to go, but I feel so much better and feel like I am doing something positive for myself. Things are going good for me at my job at Koala Kids and I still am glad to be working there.

These are pictures from Treyton's first day of his new preschool class at Koala Kids. He was a little sad to not be in Aunt Leah's class anymore. But he really likes his new teachers Ms. Heidi and Ms. Sam. He comes home from school very happy and singing all kinds of new songs. Heidi tells me he is a very good boy at school. I am happy that he loves it, it makes going to work so much easier.

This is what I found Carolina doing this afternoon. They learn very quickly! She is a big handful and into everything---but so cute!

Here is Savanna's new room in the basement, the sheet rock is almost done. Reid has done most of the work by himself. My Dad helped him do some of the framing and Reid's Dad came over and helped do some of the electrical work. We are so grateful for the help. Reid has just been trying to do a little bit of work on it each day when he can. Last night we got home from the Koala Kids Back to School BBQ kind of late and he told me he would go down and work on the room for a little while. I was exhausted so I told him I was going to bed. I laid down and just had the thought to go and tell him good night. I walked down there to find him struggling to put a piece of sheet rock on the ceiling by himself. He was glad to see me come and help him hold it up while he put in some screws. I couldn't believe he was trying to do that by himself, I was about dying trying to hold that thing up over my head. I don't know how he was holding it and screwing it in both by himself. (this was the 3rd sheet he had done.) I am very impressed!


We are so excited to see this project happening!