Finally the weather is actually starting to feel like summer. Today we went to the Rexburg spray park and on Saturday we went down to the river and fed the ducks. We feel like we need to take advantage of the nice weather while we have it. I can't believe that summer is 1/3 of the way over! Crazy!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Summer Fun
Grandma treated all the kids to a ride on the Merry Go Round at Porter Park in Rexburg
Treyton on the Merry Go Round
Easton, Grandma, Kate and Savanna
All the kids- little McKay was so tired he fell asleep on the ground
All the kids excited to get to go for a ride on the Merry Go Round
Savanna and Treyton getting dumped on
Ruth, McKay, Elijah and Treyton
Little Man Mitch
McKay enjoying the splash park
Mitch and Savanna feeding the ducks
Reid and the kids feeding the ducks
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I am so frustrated because we named our baby Carolina, but last week we got the birth certificate info in the mail and they had her name as Caroline, and in order to fix it we had to fill out a form and have it notorized and mailed back. So luckily my Aunt Val is a notary and we filled out the form and she signed it and we mailed it back to the state. Well today in the mail we got Carolina's Social Security card and it is also wrong. Now I have no idea how to have this corrected. What a pain in the rear! Has anyone else had this problem? If so how have you resolved it?
This just bugs me because I know when I filled out the original paperwork at the hospital I had it correct as Carolina, so just because someone at the office didn't accurately input her name I have to go through all these hoops to correct it.
This just bugs me because I know when I filled out the original paperwork at the hospital I had it correct as Carolina, so just because someone at the office didn't accurately input her name I have to go through all these hoops to correct it.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
This and That
There hasn't been a whole lot going on lately other than just surviving. Reid has been working a whole bunch of overtimes at work and so I have felt kind of like a single mother- I am not loving it. Hopefully things with him at work will slow down a little and we have some fun family reunions planned here in the next couple of weeks.
We have been doing T-ball which is always fun, both Savanna and Mitch are really enjoying it. Carolina has been doing a lot better at night, which helps me to feel a lot more human. I can't believe she is already 3 weeks old!
Mitchel and Aunt Ruth playing T-ball. Mitch is loving it this year, so much better than last year!
This is Treyton on Sunday after church. He loves chips, and so he found a bag and was snacking on them and fell asleep in the middle of the floor. It was so funny.
This is Carolina's first bath. Her belly button cord finally fell off, we were all very happy to be able to finally give her a real bath in the tub. She liked it much better then her spongebaths. What you didn't see in the picture is Treyton pulling the plug causing water to go everywhere on the countertop and floor. Can you tell we are all in love with this little angel!
We have been doing T-ball which is always fun, both Savanna and Mitch are really enjoying it. Carolina has been doing a lot better at night, which helps me to feel a lot more human. I can't believe she is already 3 weeks old!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
2 weeks old
Carolina was 2 weeks old yesterday. We took her in for her 2 week well check this morning and she is doing very well. She is up to 8 lbs 2 oz. She is eating well, and starting to sleep a little better in the night. I am at least getting a couple of hours of sleep in my own bed each night. I also went in and had my incision checked and it is healing nicely. It is nice to be feeling better and at least I can legally drive now and lift Treyton. I am still not supposed to work out for a few more weeks. (I have to admit, it is kind of nice to have an excuse to not do it!)
Happy Birthday Grandma!
It was my Mother-in-law's birthday this week, so we went over to their house for a birthday party, and had lots of fun playing outside. Reid's Grandpa over 30 years ago built a swingset for them, and because of different moves they made they never put the swingset up. So for Mother's Day and Grandma's birthday all the kids got together and had the swingset painted, and fixed and put up. Now all the grandkids can enjoy the swingset. Happy Birthday Grandma Mickey- thanks for being such a wonderful Grandma!
Monday, June 15, 2009
New tree!
Reid decided to plant a new tree in our back yard. He got the tree from his parents house, it was a start from their maple tree. We haven't had very good luck with trees at our house, but we wanted to take a picture of it to see how small it started out, and hopefully in 20 years we can say, when we planted that tree it was shorter than Treyton who was 2 at the time.
Sleep glorious sleep!
I decided to take a picture of everyone sleeping this morning- yes I had to climb up on Mitchel's bunk bed to get him. (see him sleeping with his cars- he always has to pick out two match box cars to take to bed with him.)
Here's Treyton- yes that is his pacifier still-don't judge me!
Savanna- She doesn't like to sleep in her covers because it is harder to make her bed if she does that!- silly girl.
Carolina- no problem sleeping by herself during the day!
Most of you that have had a baby know that the first few weeks of life after a baby is born there is not a lot of sleep happening at night. Carolina seems to sleep all day, and wants to nurse all night to make up for it. I have been trying really hard to make her wake up every 2 hours to feed to try to make this better, but she just wasn't quite catching on.
Finally, last night she slept for several hours at a time. It was so nice to get some sleep in my actual bed. I have been snoozing in the recliner while feeding her, but it just isn't quite the same. I feel so much better today because I only had to get up with her twice to feed her and then she went back to sleep, thanks to Reid who let her fall asleep on his chest. She just really likes to be close to someone. She doesn't like her cradle at all!
I just hope that last night wasn't just a fluke!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Yeah! No more biliblanket
We took Carolina into have her bilirubin levels checked again this morning and her levels are down enough that we can take her off the biliblanket. We are supposed to take her in again tomorrow to make sure that it continues to go down after being off the blanket, but what a relief to not have to have her on that silly blanket any more.
I was excited to be able to get out of the house today for t-ball games and because of the rain we only got 1 inning of Savanna's in before they stopped the games due to the rain. Bummer, this was the first time I was able to go their games this year. Oh well, there is always next week.
I am feeling better each day, just tired from lack of sleep. It seems that Carolina likes to sleep a lot during the day and then nurse all night. I feel like all I am doing is breastfeeding, luckily I have a comfortable recliner that I can kind of half sleep in while feeding her. Savanna, Mitch and Treyton are totally in love with her and it is cute to watch them love her.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
It's good to be home!
I am so glad to not have her inside anymore!
Thank you Sara for the cute guest post! I loved reading it.
We were able to come home from the hospital on Friday instead of Saturday, when the doctor told me that I was doing ok and I could go home a day early I jumped at the chance. I was not sleeping at all at the hospital. Every time I would start to dose off someone would come in the room, whether it be a nurse to check vitals, or the janitor to empty the garbage, or a volunteer to offer some juice, or someone to visit. I thought that staying the full 3 days would be best, but I have gotten much more rest at home.
Reid took the boys to the Father and Son's outing last night, so my Mom came and slept at our house and she was a huge help. Ruth brought dinner over and Angie, Kate, my Mom and Dad and Savanna all ate dinner and watched a movie at my house. I actually slept while everyone else watched the movie, it was fun to just hang out. I was up just long enough in the night to feed Carolina, and then my Mom would change her diaper and hold her if she was crying. She also helped me take Carolina back into the Doctor today to have her blood tested for jaundice. She has it pretty bad so she is on the billiblanket, and I just have to make sure that she eats really good every 2 hours. She is so sleepy so it is a little difficult. She seems to be a little bit more alert this afternoon, so hopefully by Monday we will be able to be finished with the billiblanket. It is just kind of a pain to have to carry it around with Carolina.
My c-section incision was really hurting last night, but today I am feeling a little bit better. I am really trying to take it easy, and just not worry about the house or anything. We'll see how that goes, I am a little bit high strung, and I have a hard time relaxing. Carolina is a really good baby so far, she is very easy going and a joy to have in our home. I feel so blessed that I have another healthy baby. Thank you to all that came and visited in the hospital and to all the help with my kids from my wonderful family! I am especially thankful to my Mom for all she has done to help me, to Reid for being so wonderful, and for my kids putting up with all the confusion of the last couple of days.
Reid took the boys to the Father and Son's outing last night, so my Mom came and slept at our house and she was a huge help. Ruth brought dinner over and Angie, Kate, my Mom and Dad and Savanna all ate dinner and watched a movie at my house. I actually slept while everyone else watched the movie, it was fun to just hang out. I was up just long enough in the night to feed Carolina, and then my Mom would change her diaper and hold her if she was crying. She also helped me take Carolina back into the Doctor today to have her blood tested for jaundice. She has it pretty bad so she is on the billiblanket, and I just have to make sure that she eats really good every 2 hours. She is so sleepy so it is a little difficult. She seems to be a little bit more alert this afternoon, so hopefully by Monday we will be able to be finished with the billiblanket. It is just kind of a pain to have to carry it around with Carolina.
My c-section incision was really hurting last night, but today I am feeling a little bit better. I am really trying to take it easy, and just not worry about the house or anything. We'll see how that goes, I am a little bit high strung, and I have a hard time relaxing. Carolina is a really good baby so far, she is very easy going and a joy to have in our home. I feel so blessed that I have another healthy baby. Thank you to all that came and visited in the hospital and to all the help with my kids from my wonderful family! I am especially thankful to my Mom for all she has done to help me, to Reid for being so wonderful, and for my kids putting up with all the confusion of the last couple of days.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Guest Blogger and Self-Appointed Favorite Aunt's First Entry....

Today my little sister gave birth to her 4th baby, her last baby and her 2nd baby girl. She is a great mother and wife and sister and daughter and friend. We had a full day with the "little" Sargent grandkids and Romrell cousins tee-ball game at 10:30am then rushing over to the hospital to see Rachel and her brand new Carolina and then back to the Iona Square for Easton and Savanna's tee-ball game. Following the game we hustled over to movies to see "UP" with all the grandkids and Aunt Ruth and Uncle Stevan came with us. Mitchel wins the record for most consumed popcorn and rootbeer - I think he may think that it is a contest! I could hear all the kids laughing out loud at different parts of the movie. I would highly recommend it to everyone!
Here are some of my favorite things about my sister.....
1) no matter the restaurant - she will always order a chicken sandwich
2) she checks in with me most regularly of all my siblings
3) she makes time for herself - I admire her daily workouts and dedication to her fitness without being narcissistic or selfish with her time
4) she has learned the womanly art of picking her battles and standing up for herself without being disrespectful to others or to her relationships
5) she gives time to my parents and works on her friendship with them
6) she is quick to help Ruth and Angie with their kids and their schedules
7) her kids all have her pretty, round blue eyes
8) she is quick with compliments to me - and every spinster sister needs to be complimented by someone!
9) she is a good mom to my nieces and nephews and raises smart kids
10) she serves the Lord as a mother and in her callings in her ward
I love you Rachel! Good luck and Congratulations!!!
Introducing... Carolina Rachel Fuhriman
At 12:24 this afternoon Carolina Rachel Fuhriman entered the dark and dreary world. We are so excited to have her finnally join the family. Everything went well during delivery and Mom and baby are doing great. This is Dad entering this post by the way. Mom will be in the hospital until Saturday morning some time. Dad Mitch and Treyton are going to be going to the father and son's outing friday afternoon and Rachel's mom is going to help Rachel and Carolina home. Well here are some early pictures of Carolina, Yea!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
All ready!
Tomorrow is the big day for the baby. I am just trying to get all the last minute things done. I was able to go and get a pedicure and manicure today, I got a gift certificate from my sister for my birthday, and I finally got around to using it. At least I will have nicely pedicured feet for the hospital. I'm actually feeling pretty good, I just can't stand up for very long without feeling a lot of pressure on my stomach. Other than that I can't complain, this has been a pretty good pregnancy, and I can even still wear my wedding ring. That is a miracle, I have never been able to fit into my wedding ring clear until the end of my pregnancies!
Wish me luck that all goes well with the delivery and that the baby is healthy!
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