Friday, February 27, 2009
Such a Air Head
I guess that I will blame it on being pregnant, but I am such an air head lately. Yesterday I forgot Savanna's gymnastics class, and today I forgot Mitchel's dentist appointment. I am scared at what I will forget next!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
My best helper!
I just have to say that I dread Sunday mornings when Reid is working. Trying to get myself and 3 little kids out the door in time for 9:00 am church is quite the trick. But today was another story. I woke up at 7:30 and got myself in the shower. While I was getting dressed I heard something in the kitchen and when I went to investigate it was Savanna, she had gotten herself up and got her own cereal, eaten and was emptying the dishwasher. Then she loaded up the few dirty dishes that were in the sink. She got herself dressed for church and after I did her hair, she got Treyton up and dressed, helped pack my church bag with some snacks, combed Mitchel and Treyton's hair and we were out the door by 8:45am. This is a record even for mornings when Reid is home helping. Then while in Sacrament meeting I had to lead the music so she helped take care of the boys while I was on the stand during the songs. Now that we are home she is in her room organizing. (I don't know how she could be any better! I feel like she is a huge blessing in my life!) It makes me think that with her help maybey having 4 kids will be possible, and not so overwhelming. Thanks Savanna for being such a good girl!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Dentist

My kids had a dentist appointment on Friday. The first visit for Treyton, I wasn't able to take them. (See my last post) So Reid got to take them. Savanna had no cavities, Mitchel had 1 plus one of his fillings fell out, and Treyton is starting to get some decay. So we are going to start the boys on some flouride treatments. Anything to help.
Thank goodness this week is over!
This has been a very long, and tiring week for me. I usually work 2 days a week and that is perfect. But this week was our annual Valentines Sugar Cookie fundraiser, and I get to be so lucky to help frost those sugar cookies. We sold over 1,500 cookies. So we spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday frosting. It was exhausting, especially being pregnant. I felt like I didn't see Reid all week. He is working nights, and so I would get home just in time for him to leave for work. But it is over and I'm trying to recover today.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Cousin fun
This weekend we spent a lot of time with family. On Saturday we went to St. Anthony for Karlee's baptism. The kids were excited to see one of their cousins get baptised and they got to play afterwards while we went and had some lunch with the Terry family. (Thanks Val for hosting!)
On Sunday we went to yet another baby blessing. This week was Julia's blessing. It was kind of fun to go back to our old ward and see familiar faces. Since Ben and Holly live in the house that we used to live in when we first got married. After the baby blessing we went for lunch at Sub Zero (it was closed) but that is where we gathered for a fun family get together. (Thanks Ben and Holly for hosting!)
Savanna also got to have her cousin Emily have a sleep over, they had lots of fun playing and giggling.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Grandmas's "V" Party
My Mom planned a fun party for Family Home Evening on Monday night. She called it a "V" party. It was called that because it was for Valentine's Day, the kids all got to wear their new vests that she made them for Christmas, and we had a variety of pizza's for dinner. We also played a vocabulary game with words that all start with the letter "v". She reminds me very much of my Grandma Romrell. I guess that we all follow after the footprints of our Mother's. I hope that I do as well!
Here are some pictures from the party.
Monday, February 2, 2009
A fun weekend!
This last weekend we headed down to Salt Lake so that we could go to our nephew's baby blessing. Cody Shon Conover was blessed on Sunday. I was really glad that we could go and participate in that. I love being a part of two close knit families, there is nothing better. I feel bad because I didn't get any pictures of Cody.
We spent the night at my sister Sara's house, while Reid and the boys went to Cabela's Savanna, Sara and I got a pedicure. Savanna thought it was the coolest thing ever.
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