Today after coming home from work, I was trying to make some dinner when I heard a horrible cry. I ran to the scene and there was Treyton being comforted by Savanna with blood running down his head. They were running down the hallway when he tripped and hit his head on the corner of the bathroom door. I knew immediately that it needed stitches. It looked horrible, I thought he might pass out, but within a few minutes of me picking him up he stopped crying.
Luckily Reid was home and so I ran him to Urgent Care where the nightmare began. He completely freaked out anytime the nurse or doctor came in the room. They wanted to weigh him because they wanted to give him some medicine to calm him down, but he refused to let me set him on the scale. So I had to weigh myself while holding him, and then weigh without him. The calming medicine did absolutely nothing to sedate him so we had to hold him down while they did the stitches. It was so aweful, he was screaming and crying and I felt so bad for him. But they finally got him stitched up, and now he is as happy as always. It's like nothing even happened. This will be the 2nd big scar on his forehead, the poor kid is an accident waiting to happen!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
What a weekend!
I went to Salt Lake this weekend with my parents, my brother Steve and my Uncle Garth and his wife Amy for my cousin Dan's wedding. They had the wedding on Saturday night in Sundance, UT. We left friday evening and stayed with my sister Sara at her house. We had a lot of fun visiting and laughing. Saturday morning we all got up and went to Sara's gym to workout. It was kind of fun to see all our different styles of exercise. After our workout we went out to brunch, which was pretty interesting since we were all sweaty and stinky from our workouts, but we figured no one knew us so who cares.
After getting ready to head to the wedding we were driving and my Dad's van stalled and we couldn't get it started again. Since Steven was performing the wedding and we had Dan's ring we had to go ahead in Sara's car, so we left my parents with the van, hoping that they could get it started. Sara's friend Tamera and Jim came and got them, and got the van towed to a shop and they ended up eating dinner with them, and they missed the wedding. My Dad just didn't feel good about leaving his van at the side of the road. I felt so bad that they had to miss it, because I know that they were looking forward to seeing Steve do the wedding. Oh well, things don't always work out the way they are planned.
The wedding was in a really pretty place, we had to be shuttled up to the cabin that it was in. There were a lot of people there, and so it was pretty crowded. It was fun to see all the family, and I hope that Dan and Julie will be happy in their marriage.
When we got back to my parents in SLC they had rented a mini-van to drive back, and my Dad ended up staying in Salt Lake with Sara so he could get his van fixed. So Garth, Amy, Steve, my Mom and me came home last night. It felt like a long drive because it was late, but it was a fun trip and I am glad that I got to go.
The kids stayed home with Reid and it was kind of nice to get a short brake from Motherhood, but I always look forward to coming home and seeing my babies!!
After getting ready to head to the wedding we were driving and my Dad's van stalled and we couldn't get it started again. Since Steven was performing the wedding and we had Dan's ring we had to go ahead in Sara's car, so we left my parents with the van, hoping that they could get it started. Sara's friend Tamera and Jim came and got them, and got the van towed to a shop and they ended up eating dinner with them, and they missed the wedding. My Dad just didn't feel good about leaving his van at the side of the road. I felt so bad that they had to miss it, because I know that they were looking forward to seeing Steve do the wedding. Oh well, things don't always work out the way they are planned.
The wedding was in a really pretty place, we had to be shuttled up to the cabin that it was in. There were a lot of people there, and so it was pretty crowded. It was fun to see all the family, and I hope that Dan and Julie will be happy in their marriage.
When we got back to my parents in SLC they had rented a mini-van to drive back, and my Dad ended up staying in Salt Lake with Sara so he could get his van fixed. So Garth, Amy, Steve, my Mom and me came home last night. It felt like a long drive because it was late, but it was a fun trip and I am glad that I got to go.
The kids stayed home with Reid and it was kind of nice to get a short brake from Motherhood, but I always look forward to coming home and seeing my babies!!
Antelope Hunting with Mitch
Reid took Mitchel out hunting for the first time on Friday. I was very nervous about this, but Mitch was so excited, and they actually got an antelope. They mostly just stayed in the truck and drove around. I think Mitch got a little bored staying in the truck, but it was all worth it when they got their antelope!
It's kind of gross, I have a dead animal hanging in my garage. I just try to not look when I go outside!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tis the Season
I am a little nervous because with the beginning of fall comes the beginning of all the season premier's of my favorite shows, and I become a huge couch potatoe in the evenings! I have to admit I am a t.v. addict and I have several shows a night that I have set to record on my DVR. Tonight was one of my favorites, "The Biggest Loser", and of course "Dancing with the Stars" which this week is on 3 different nights! My kids also love those 2 shows, and I let them watch those ones with me because they are good clean shows. I also love "The Office", and "ER" (thank goodness this is it's last year, I can't seem to give it up even though it isn't that good anymore.) I love "Boston Legal", and "Grey's Anatomy" even though I shouldn't. There are a few others, but I can't recall them right now.
I usually have the shows recorded and then watch them after my kids go to bed, or in the morning while I am on the treadmill. I always feel kind of guilty that I am wasting my time and my mind watching, but I just can't help myself. I also feel kind of bad when Reid is home, because he is not a t.v. watcher except for the show "Heroes" and he will watch "The Office" with me because we laugh our butts off, so I feel lazy because he is usually working outside in the garage or around the house while I am watching my shows. I have to say that the invention of the DVR is one of the greatest in my lifetime- No more commercials, it is great! I hope none of you think less of me because of my addiction!
I usually have the shows recorded and then watch them after my kids go to bed, or in the morning while I am on the treadmill. I always feel kind of guilty that I am wasting my time and my mind watching, but I just can't help myself. I also feel kind of bad when Reid is home, because he is not a t.v. watcher except for the show "Heroes" and he will watch "The Office" with me because we laugh our butts off, so I feel lazy because he is usually working outside in the garage or around the house while I am watching my shows. I have to say that the invention of the DVR is one of the greatest in my lifetime- No more commercials, it is great! I hope none of you think less of me because of my addiction!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Sara!!!
I just wanted to wish my wonderful sister Sara a Happy Birthday! I want her to know how much we love her and appreciate her kindness and great example that she is to all of us!
Here is the top ten reasons that we love Sara:
10. She has the most beautiful new home in SLC that we love being able to stay at when we go there, the kids think it is the coolest place ever.
9. Because she is always interested in everything going on in our kids lives, and wants to be a part of their lives.
8. She has always been a great example to me, I always seemed to follow in her footsteps while I was growing up. I am just glad that she made good choices since I didn't seem to be able to make my own choices.
7. Because she is incredibly thoughtful, she always knows the right thing to say and do when anyone is down.
6. Sara is very generous in everyway, she gives like no one else I know.
5. She has integrity, she lives what she believes and although life hasn't always given her everything she wants she has stayed true to her faith.
4. She is one of the funniest people I know, she constantly makes me laugh. I love to hear her tell stories, she should be a comedian.
3. Sara is very smart, and has done very well for herself career wise, especially for a girl who got kicked out of Rick's College. She is fun to talk to because she is so smart, and knows what she is talking about, without being condesending.
2. Sara is the best Aunt around, my kids always get excited when she comes to Idaho Falls, they can't wait to see her, and they love it when we got to Salt Lake to see her.
1. The number one reason that we love Sara is because she is the best sister anyone could ever hope for. She has always been so supportive of me and my family, and I want her to know how much I love her.
1. The number one reason that we love Sara is because she is the best sister anyone could ever hope for. She has always been so supportive of me and my family, and I want her to know how much I love her.
Camping at Meadow Lake
This weekend we went camping for the last time this season. We went to Meadow Lake, it was beautiful. We went with Lori and Aaron and we really had a great time. Friday night we made a dutch oven dinner and just sat around the fire, did a little fishing and enjoyed watching the kids play together. We had fun talking to Lori and Aaron about old times, when we all first started dating. Reid and I set Lori up with Aaron, and Aaron and I were good friends before Reid and I started dating, so we all have a lot of history together. And it was fun to remember those old times.
Treyton was a huge disaster, he kept falling down and so he was covered from head to toe in dirt. But he was having a blast. We slept in a tent, at first the kids couldn't understand why we weren't taking our camper, but they ended up loving the tent.
When we woke up Saturday morning it was raining and cold. We just staying in our tent for a long time, which was kind of cool. We were all happy and enjoying each others company. We ate breakfast in the tent and just hung out. When it finally stopped raining we made a fire and roasted some marshmellows and cinnamon rolls and started cleaning up camp. It was just too cold to stick around for very long. We drove down to Gillmore (an old Ghost town) and went on a 4-wheeler ride, but that didn't last long because it started to rain and thunder and lightening. So we headed back to the trucks. Reid was pretty disappointed because he has been working his butt of the last month so he could have money to buy a 4-wheeler, and when he went to load it on the trailer to go on this trip it wouldn't start. So we couldn't take it, instead we took his parents 4-wheeler and his motorcycle, and it ended up being fine. It just seems to be his luck that things like that happen, oh well.
Steve and Kate
My brother Steve had a bad accident in his UPS truck on friday, he completely rolled his truck and by some miracle he doesn't even have a scratch on him. His truck was totalled and so was the other car that was involved, and the other guy involved in the accident wasn't hurt at all either. I am so thankful that he is ok, and I am hoping that his job will be ok also!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Our first lost tooth!
Savanna lost her first tooth this morning! She has had 2 loose teeth on the bottom, but has not even let me hardly touch them. This morning we were in a hurry to get her to the bus stop and I was brushing her teeth and I saw some blood and there went the tooth, it must have been really ready because it came out without any effort. I felt bad because we had no time to really celebrate the event. I did hurry and take her picture as we were running out the door. She couldn't stop smiling, she was really excited about losing her tooth and to tell Easton all about it!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Yellowstone Bear World
Today we went on our annual trip to Bear World. My Mom likes to take the Grandkids every fall, they love it and it is a great tradition. Today was a perfect day, the weather was beautiful and it was kids get in free day, and they got to ride the rides for free. They loved it!!
We all met at my parent's house to leave together from there. When it was time to leave we had to take two seperate cars so I said, "let's go!" Treyton ran right to my Mom and would not leave her side. It was really cute because he wanted to go with her, and when I came to try to get him to go with me he grabbed her hand and wouldn't have anything to do with me. He loves his grandma! So he got to ride with Grandma.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Where were you?
I saw this on Jodi's blog and thought it was so cute, so I decided to do it myself
20 years ago I was:
1. I was 15 years old and a Sophomore in High School at Bonneville
2. I tried out for Honeybee's and didn't make it, I made a goal to make it the next year so I worked my butt off all year (literally!)
3. I got a job that summer at Baskin Robbins! That is where I met Jodi for the first time, and got flashed!
10 year ago I was:
1. Working at Melaleuca in the Forecasting and Planning Department, making the big bucks-yeah right!
2. I think that was the year I went on the cruise with Sara and had one of the best vacations of my life.
3. Moved into an apartment with my cousin Audra and we had a total blast being single! But also scrared to death that I would never get married.
5 years ago I was:
1. Savanna was 1 year old and I was barely pregnant with Mitchel.
2. Living in my little house on 20th Street, and serving in the Young Women's presidency and loving it!
3. Reid started his job at the INL this year, we were happy he was able to quit working at the Jail and that we could afford to start building our new home.
3 years ago I was:
1. Living in our house on Sandy Dr. with two little children, and trying to decide if it was time to try for our 3rd baby.
2. Put our house for sale on Sandy and sold it in just 7 days for the price we were asking (lucky to sell before the market started to weaken.)
3. Was enjoying my job as Office Manager at Koala Kids.
1 year ago I was:
1. Busy with 3 small children-4, 3, and 1o months old!
2. Spending many hours a week practicing the piano for the primary program. I was scared to death. But it was probably one of the most inspired callings I have ever had, just because I really had to work hard and pray for Heavenly Father's help to get me through it.
3. Walking every night with Jodi and Sarah, and trying really hard to lose weight while following weight watchers. (I need to get back on that!)
This year I:
1. Trained and did a 1/2 marathon- yeah!!
2. Went to New York City for the first time with my sisters and Mom- left the children with Reid for 5 days, and it was wonderful!!!
3. Am still the primary pianist, but definately not practicing like I should. ( This year I have Angie also doing it, so I have really slacked off!)
Yesterday I:
1. Got up at 6:00 am and ran 5 miles on the treadmill.
2. Went to Koala Kids after Savanna got home from school and made cotton candy for our annual Back to School BBQ.- I came home covered from head to toe in sticky cotton candy!
3. Stayed up too late watching Larry King on CNN. I am obsessed with the Presidential Campaign.
Today I:
1. Couldn't get up this morning to exercise because I was so tired from yesterday!
2. Went to work this morning at Koala Kids late because I couldn't get up this morning!
3. Got Savanna and Mitchel's Halloween costumes- They are cute- Savanna will be a witch this year, and Mitchel wanted to be Batman. (Trey will be Mitchel's costume from 2 years ago a Dragon.)
Tomorrow I will:
1. Try to get up early to exercise before Savanna is off to school.
2. Mop the floor since Treyton spilled 7-up on it and it is very sticky- I just did this 3 days ago!- GRRR
3. Try to balance my checkbook and pay bills, and hopefully just stay home and try to enjoy my children a little!!
Next Year I will:
1. Possibly have another baby- Yikes!!!
2. My goal is to be driving the same vehicle (we kind of have a problem with constantly trading our cars in!)
3. Sending Mitchel off to Kindergarten.
20 years ago I was:
1. I was 15 years old and a Sophomore in High School at Bonneville
2. I tried out for Honeybee's and didn't make it, I made a goal to make it the next year so I worked my butt off all year (literally!)
3. I got a job that summer at Baskin Robbins! That is where I met Jodi for the first time, and got flashed!
10 year ago I was:
1. Working at Melaleuca in the Forecasting and Planning Department, making the big bucks-yeah right!
2. I think that was the year I went on the cruise with Sara and had one of the best vacations of my life.
3. Moved into an apartment with my cousin Audra and we had a total blast being single! But also scrared to death that I would never get married.
5 years ago I was:
1. Savanna was 1 year old and I was barely pregnant with Mitchel.
2. Living in my little house on 20th Street, and serving in the Young Women's presidency and loving it!
3. Reid started his job at the INL this year, we were happy he was able to quit working at the Jail and that we could afford to start building our new home.
3 years ago I was:
1. Living in our house on Sandy Dr. with two little children, and trying to decide if it was time to try for our 3rd baby.
2. Put our house for sale on Sandy and sold it in just 7 days for the price we were asking (lucky to sell before the market started to weaken.)
3. Was enjoying my job as Office Manager at Koala Kids.
1 year ago I was:
1. Busy with 3 small children-4, 3, and 1o months old!
2. Spending many hours a week practicing the piano for the primary program. I was scared to death. But it was probably one of the most inspired callings I have ever had, just because I really had to work hard and pray for Heavenly Father's help to get me through it.
3. Walking every night with Jodi and Sarah, and trying really hard to lose weight while following weight watchers. (I need to get back on that!)
This year I:
1. Trained and did a 1/2 marathon- yeah!!
2. Went to New York City for the first time with my sisters and Mom- left the children with Reid for 5 days, and it was wonderful!!!
3. Am still the primary pianist, but definately not practicing like I should. ( This year I have Angie also doing it, so I have really slacked off!)
Yesterday I:
1. Got up at 6:00 am and ran 5 miles on the treadmill.
2. Went to Koala Kids after Savanna got home from school and made cotton candy for our annual Back to School BBQ.- I came home covered from head to toe in sticky cotton candy!
3. Stayed up too late watching Larry King on CNN. I am obsessed with the Presidential Campaign.
Today I:
1. Couldn't get up this morning to exercise because I was so tired from yesterday!
2. Went to work this morning at Koala Kids late because I couldn't get up this morning!
3. Got Savanna and Mitchel's Halloween costumes- They are cute- Savanna will be a witch this year, and Mitchel wanted to be Batman. (Trey will be Mitchel's costume from 2 years ago a Dragon.)
Tomorrow I will:
1. Try to get up early to exercise before Savanna is off to school.
2. Mop the floor since Treyton spilled 7-up on it and it is very sticky- I just did this 3 days ago!- GRRR
3. Try to balance my checkbook and pay bills, and hopefully just stay home and try to enjoy my children a little!!
Next Year I will:
1. Possibly have another baby- Yikes!!!
2. My goal is to be driving the same vehicle (we kind of have a problem with constantly trading our cars in!)
3. Sending Mitchel off to Kindergarten.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Blackfoot Fair 2008

So this year we didn't plan on going to the fair. We decided that it was just to hard with little kids. But at the last minute my Mom called and wanted to go on Friday. So my Mom, Sara, me and my kids headed down there for the afternoon. It ended up being a lot of fun. My kids were really well behaved and we rode the ferris wheel, went to the petting zoo, and had some lunch. It was so cute to watch the kids feed the animals at the petting zoo. I got some cute pictures. We also had one of the those old fashioned pictures taken, and it turned out really cute.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My eye, my eye!!!
So now just imagine this picture with an eye patch over one of my eyes? Wouldn't that distract from the picture a little? Luckily I won't have to wear one.

I have been meaning to post this for a few days, but on Tuesday I had a near miss with my eye. I had just gotten home from work and was getting the van unloaded when Treyton found a socket wrench in the complete disaster area we call a garage. (This is another story.) I knew that my 1 year old should not be playing with a socket wrench so I had to chase him down to get it away from him. I picked him up and tried to take the tool away, and he did not appreciate that in the least bit and so his arms and legs started flaying uncontrollably and in the comotion of it all the socket part of the wrench went straight into my eye ball at full 1 year old force (actually he is almost 2.)
You can see the scene, I'm sure if any of my neighbors saw me they would have reported me to child protective services, because at the moment of impact it hurt so bad that I dropped Treyton as I fell to me knees in agony. With my hands up to my eyes screaming "My eye, my eye!!" I thought for sure that my eye ball was going to be gone. Luckily I had no more than a little bit of red eye, and a major headache for the rest of the evening.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day!
I was a little depressed this morning because of the weather, I just wanted to wrap back up in a blanket and go back to bed. But unfortunately when you have little children that is just not possible. So instead we made some plans with my family and went to the new playground at Tautphaus park and had a picnic and let the kids play in the chili weather. For some reason they don't even notice that it is cold. It was fun to get out though and to do something besides sit in the house and watch T.V. and do laundry.
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