Not a lot has happened this last week to blog about, but I was thinking this evening that I have very much to be grateful for so I wanted to express some of those things:
1. I am so thankful that I have a good husband, he honors his priesthood, he works hard for the welfare of his family, and he treats me and our children with dignity and respect. Although he is not perfect (and neither am I) he has far more good qualities than bad ones. I am grateful that I have a good relationship with him and that we can talk openly with each other.
2. I am so lucky to have 3 beautiful, healthy children that love me, despite my weaknesses as a mother. I love each of them so much and I am thankful for their individual personalities and joy they bring into our family.
3. I am so grateful to have my family close by and that I have good relationships with them. I take that for granted most of the time, but I do know that this is not the case for everyone. I am so lucky that my best friends are my siblings and my parents. I know that if I ever need help they are only a phone call away and that they will be there for me whenever needed.
4. I am thankful for the blessing of being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the joy of living the gospel. I know that I am not a perfect member, but there is so much peace that comes from the knowledge that I have of the restored gospel. Along this same line I have to say that I am thankful for the blessings of paying tithing. I was very stressed this past week because we got the dental bill from Mitchel's teeth surgery and after insurance our portion was $1,100, and this was just from the dentist, we haven't seen the bill from the hospital or anestesialogist yet. I had no idea how we would come up with the money. (This was not something that we had budgeted for.) This week we also happened to get a refund check in the mail for $700.00. We had not planned on this money and I feel like it was a direct blessing from Heavenly Father for paying our tithing.
5. I feel very grateful for good health. Although occasionally we have sick kids, or don't feel great ourselves, for the most part we have extremely good health. I can't imagine how hard it would be going throughout our daily lives if we had some chronic health problems.
I didn't mean for this to be fast and testimony meeting, but I just wanted to express my thoughts on how grateful I am for just a small portion of my blessings. It is sometimes good to remember all we have to be thankful for! I sometimes have a hard time understanding some things like why good people have a hard time getting pregnant and having children when you know they would make great parents, and why some people who would make great spouses haven't had the opportunity to get married. But I know that it is all in the Lord's time, and hopefully some day I will have the answers to these questions. But I need to try to remember the good things in life!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Little water skier's
On Saturday while I was at home recovering from my run, Savanna went with my family up to Blacktail to go boating with them. Sara brought a trainer ski for kids and Savanna and Easton got up on it. I feel so bad that I missed it, but she was so excited that she got to water ski!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Mesa Falls
The day for the 1/2 marathon finally arrived and I did it, my goal was to just finish and to try not to walk at all. I ran the whole way except for maybey 1 minute while I stopped to take a few drinks along the way. The course was a lot harder than I had remembered (of course it was 8 years ago since I did it last). The hill part kicked my butt, but I kept going. Sarah Hansen and I stayed together the whole way until about mile 11, and she was struggling just a bit so she told me to go ahead, she ended just a few minutes after me, she did really great, especially considering she only started training with me a few weeks ago. I finished in 2 hours and 3o minutes, which is about what I finished it at last time. I can't remember exactly but I am pretty sure that was about the same time. It was really nice to have a lot of support. My parents drove Sarah and I up there this morning. Reid and the kids were there cheering me on, and Reid's parents and sister Lori came. I think that really helped me stay motivated. Katie Fullmer also started with us, but she was much faster and went on without us. I am so glad that I did it, I feel like it was a great accomplishment for me to do again after having 3 children.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Savanna's first day of kindergarten
Well, we made it through Savanna's first day of Kindergarten. She did great and I didn't even cry! She was just so excited that I was happy for her. She looked so cute in her new outfit. She picked out what she wanted to wear several days ago and she woke up on her own this morning ready to go. We are going to have to be better about getting to bed sooner (I have never been real good at getting my kids to bed early). Reid got home from work this morning in just enough time to give her a Father's blessing and I think that helped both of us a lot. She has Mrs. Davenport and she seems to be really nice. I hope that she has a great year!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Fun at Blacktail
We went to Blacktail tonight to go boating and waterskiing. We had a lot of fun. We went with the Hansen family and I think we all had fun. When we got finished and were getting the boat in we saw that a lady had submerged her suburban in the lake. I guess that she was trying to get her boat in and she got out of her vehicle and accidentally put it in nuetral and the emergency brake didn't work so it just went in. She was there with her ward Young Women & Young Men activity so there were lots of people there to help her. When we left the suburban and the trailer were still in the water, it got tangled in a cord on the dock. It was really something to see.
I was reallly happy because I got up on ski's. Savanna and Alexis had fun on the tube. I gave Reid and Jeremy a ride on the tube and they went flying off. I guess it was pretty funny even though I missed it. Sarah and I had fun on the tube also. It was just nice to get out on the lake and relax for the evening.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Chuckars Game
My sister Leah gave us some tickets to the Chuckar's game last night, so we decided to go. We didn't stay the whole time because Treyton started getting really restless and wanted to run everywhere, but it was fun while it lasted. I think that it is fun to watch Savanna and Mitchel get excited when they catch the ball or make a good hit.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Today Savanna and I went and got our hair cut. I wanted to get her's done before school started because she was looking a bit shaggy. Although she is always cute no matter what. My cousin Miriam just graduated from beauty school, so she cut them for us. I really like how she cuts hair. I used to always have my cousin Audra cut my hair and I loved how she did it, but ever since she quit to stay home with her babies I have had a hard time finding someone to cut it that I love. I think that I have found it in Miriam! Thanks Miriam! We love our haircuts!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mitchel's teeth

When we went to the dentist last week we found out that Mitch had a mouth full of cavitites. I knew that he had some because I could see them on the front. We had the front ones filled last year, but I guess the fillings came out. So when we went in for his cleaning I got the bad news that he has like 13 cavities. I was pretty upset, I felt like a horrible Mother. But Savanna had no cavities and we have the same routine for both of them, so I don't understand why she would have none and he would have 13. Anyway today we went into Mountain View Hospital and they put him out and fixed all his teeth at once. We decided that this was the best alternative rather than going into the dentist multiple times to fix a couple of cavities at a time.
He did really well, I was pretty nervous putting a 4 year old out, but all went well. When he woke up he was pretty groggy, and his oxygen was a little low but they got that taken care of. Before they put him out they gave him some medicine that was supposed to make him drousy, and all it did was make him loopy. He was laughing at everything and he told the nurse that he had 3 eyes. He kept telling me that he was going to catch that ball (there was no ball). It was weird to see him like that. I was so happy to see him awake and ok after it was all said and done. And his teeth look so much better now.
He did really well, I was pretty nervous putting a 4 year old out, but all went well. When he woke up he was pretty groggy, and his oxygen was a little low but they got that taken care of. Before they put him out they gave him some medicine that was supposed to make him drousy, and all it did was make him loopy. He was laughing at everything and he told the nurse that he had 3 eyes. He kept telling me that he was going to catch that ball (there was no ball). It was weird to see him like that. I was so happy to see him awake and ok after it was all said and done. And his teeth look so much better now.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Treyton and nursery
I have been a bit frustrated lately because I can't get Treyton to go to nursery on Sunday's. So today I decided that I would stay with him in there for a long time and then sneek out and just let him cry for a while. I talked to one of his teachers ahead of time and she said that would be fine. So I left him after about 45 minutes and he started screaming. I went ahead and went to Sunday school and a few minutes later I could hear him crying in the hall. So Reid went and got him, and he had thrown up. We thought that maybey he just got so upset that he made himself sick, but later on during Elders quorum he threw up again when Reid had him. He has since thrown up several times and has a fever and won't eat anything. I am pretty worried about him. I hope he is feeling better by morning. So much for getting him to stay in nursery this week anyway.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Another busy week
We had another fun and busy week. We are trying to pack in all kinds of fun before summer is over. This week we went to Ross Park in Pocatello with Angie and her Mom, Ruth, and my Mom. The kids loved it and I have to say that I really enjoyed it also. Although by that night I was exhausted from being out in the sun all day.
We registered Savanna for kindergarten. I know that she is ready for this, but I don't know if I am! I know that she will do great and she is so excited, but I can't believe that my baby is going to school! I am excited about the new Discovery Elementary, it looks like a great place.
Yesterday I went with Lori (Reid's sister) and her little girls and Danny (Reid's brother) to the Roaring Youth Jam down on the greenbelt. It was fun, and I saw a whole bunch of people that I knew there. There were lots of fun activities for kids and we got to see the jump rope team perform, which was way cool. The only problem was that it was so hot, it kind of took the fun out of it, especially because we ended up walking around the river with all the kids because they wanted to feed the ducks. By the time we got back to our cars we were all sweaty messes. I was so glad that Danny came, he helped so much with the kids and they love him! He is really fun to be around.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Pictures from the weekend
I just have to say that I have an amazing Sister! I left my camera in Salt Lake at Sara's house, it was in Reid's suit coat pocket and we left our garment bag at her house. Anyway I was just thinking that I would have to wait until she came up next or until someone else went down there, but today on our doorstep was a UPS package with our suitcase in it. She always does such nice things, I wish I was more like her. I think I will make that my goal, to try and think of others more. Anyway because the camera has been returned I can now downoad some of the pictures from this last weekends festivities! Thanks Sara, I love you!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Fun weekend!
We had another fun and busy weekend. But I am sad because we left our camera at my sisters house in SLC and so I can't upload any of the cute pictures right now.
On friday we had the Romrell reunion at Heisi Hotsprings. We went swimming and on the waterslide. The kids loved the slide this year. We had dinner up there with the whole family and it was so fun just to be able to visit with everyone that we don't get to see very often.
On Saturday we got up and drove down to SLC to see James get baptised. I was glad we went because I really felt the spirit at the baptism and it is good to get together with family. I can't believe that James is 8. I remember when me and Reid first started dating that he was just a baby. Time sure does fly!
We celebrated Alex and Addie's birthdays on Saturday night. It was cute to watch them get so excited about their birthday gifts. We stayed the night at Sara's house and then came home on Sunday afternoon. It was a fast and fun trip!
On friday we had the Romrell reunion at Heisi Hotsprings. We went swimming and on the waterslide. The kids loved the slide this year. We had dinner up there with the whole family and it was so fun just to be able to visit with everyone that we don't get to see very often.
On Saturday we got up and drove down to SLC to see James get baptised. I was glad we went because I really felt the spirit at the baptism and it is good to get together with family. I can't believe that James is 8. I remember when me and Reid first started dating that he was just a baby. Time sure does fly!
We celebrated Alex and Addie's birthdays on Saturday night. It was cute to watch them get so excited about their birthday gifts. We stayed the night at Sara's house and then came home on Sunday afternoon. It was a fast and fun trip!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Swimming lessons
Savanna and Mitchel took swimming lessons these last two weeks from the Apple. They had so much fun, and their skills have actually improved dramatically over the last two weeks. I am glad that they took them, but I am feeling relieved that they are done. We went during the same time as all the kids from Koala Kids which was nice so that on the days that I went to work they were able to ride the bus over with Koala Kids and I didn't have to take them. I feel really lucky to have such a great job that is great for me and also for my kids. Plus how can I complain about working only 2 days a week.
Here are some cute pictures of them from swimming lessons.
10 miles
I have mentioned before in previous posts that I am going to run the Mesa Falls 1/2 marathon on August 23rd. I am trying to get ready for this, and today I did a 10 mile run. I went around the river and Freemon Park and up around the Pancheri bridge. It was beautiful and I decided that from now on instead of running on busy roads with no scenery I am going to run in places that are pretty and enjoyable. It was so much fun today and I even felt like I could keep going after my run. I am finally starting to feel like I may be ok for this 1/2 marathon--Just 3 more weeks!!!
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