My favorite "comfort" food is homemade chocolate chip cookies. Therefore I cannot make them very often or else I would weigh 300 lbs. But my kids absolutely love to make them and they are always asking me if we can make them. I usually give in about once a month on a Saturday or Sunday when I feel like cheating on my diet. So today we did, and all 3 of the kids helped me. I decided that I would really let them help, no matter how messy it got. It turned out great and everyone had fun. It only took me a few extra minutes to clean up the kitchen and it was worth all the smiles.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
New Recipe
Ok, I am not much of a cook, but I got a new recipe that I made and it was a hit at our house. I am not normally a meat loaf fan, but I tried it and actually liked it. Plus it was very easy and cheap to make. Mitchel who doesn't eat much, ate 1 and 1/2 of them, and Savanna and Treyton both ate them up and Reid said he loved them.
Li'l Cheddar Meat Loaves.
1 egg
3/4 c. milk
1 c. (4 oz) shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 c. quick cooking oats
1/2 c. chopped onion (i omitted this because I didn't have any onions)
1 teaspoon salt
1 pound ground lean beef
2/3 cup ketchup
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons prepared mustard
1. In a bowl, beat the egg and milk. Stir in cheese, oats, onion and salt. Crumble beef over mixture and mix well.
2. Shape into eight loaves; place in a greased 13 in x 9 inch baking dish. Combine ketchup, brown sugar and mustard in seperate bowl and spoon over loaves.
3. Bake, uncovered at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until meat is no longer pink. (8 servings) (This is great for left overs for husbands to take to work.)
Li'l Cheddar Meat Loaves.
1 egg
3/4 c. milk
1 c. (4 oz) shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 c. quick cooking oats
1/2 c. chopped onion (i omitted this because I didn't have any onions)
1 teaspoon salt
1 pound ground lean beef
2/3 cup ketchup
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons prepared mustard
1. In a bowl, beat the egg and milk. Stir in cheese, oats, onion and salt. Crumble beef over mixture and mix well.
2. Shape into eight loaves; place in a greased 13 in x 9 inch baking dish. Combine ketchup, brown sugar and mustard in seperate bowl and spoon over loaves.
3. Bake, uncovered at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until meat is no longer pink. (8 servings) (This is great for left overs for husbands to take to work.)
Daddy's little helpers
Today Reid mowed the lawn, and of course his little shadow Treyton had to get on the mower with him to "help" him. Treyton gets so excited everytime Reid walks through the door. I think that because he works so much, he just misses him.
Mitchel and his cousin Cooper were out "working" in the garage. They are so cute to watch play, they were pretending to fix the toy jeep. When I was out there Cooper was going to ride Mitchel's bike and he said to me "Mitchel is letting me ride his bike because he is a good friend to me". That made me smile. I hope that they can always be good friends to each other. Good friends are so important and I just hope that my kids will also make wise choices in who their friends are.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Pony Rides
Savanna and Mitchel were invited to our neighbor Eliza's birthday party today, and they had little ponies there to ride! It was so cute to watch. They had 4 little ponies and so all the kids got to take turns riding them. Mitchel came home so excited, he decided to come home before the party was over because he is such a home body, but he had fun. We also had more t-ball games today, each time they get a little better at it.
Saturday night we went out to dinner and a movie with Natalie & Josh. It was fun to get out, we went to the Sandpiper for dinner and we went and saw "Get Smart". I loved it!! It made me laugh the whole way through it. I haven't been to very many movies lately, but I was really glad that we went to it. I am a huge Steve Carrell fan because of "The Office" and so it was one that I did want to see. It was a fun night, and it is nice to have friends to do things with.
Saturday night we went out to dinner and a movie with Natalie & Josh. It was fun to get out, we went to the Sandpiper for dinner and we went and saw "Get Smart". I loved it!! It made me laugh the whole way through it. I haven't been to very many movies lately, but I was really glad that we went to it. I am a huge Steve Carrell fan because of "The Office" and so it was one that I did want to see. It was a fun night, and it is nice to have friends to do things with.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I've lost my camera???
I am so frustrated today because my new camera is missing!!! The last time I saw it for sure was when I posted those pictures of the kids playing on the new 4 wheeler. I kept thinking that it would resurface so I haven't really started searching until today, and now it is driving me crazy. I hope that it turns up, because I can't really justify buying another new one.
Today was T-ball again. It seems like we spent half the day there because Savanna had to be there by 10:00 for pictures and Mitchel's game didn't get over until 1:30. It felt like an extremely long time. We packed a picnic lunch and the kids had fun playing with their cousins and friends. My mom came and watched and Ruth and her kids came also and had a picnic with us and the Sargent's. They are doing really well with their t-ball. Mitchel is even learning to like it. It is fun to watch him get excited about it. I just hope that they have good experiences, that is what it is all about isn't it. I love being a Mom and am so glad that I have this opportunity to be one.
Today was T-ball again. It seems like we spent half the day there because Savanna had to be there by 10:00 for pictures and Mitchel's game didn't get over until 1:30. It felt like an extremely long time. We packed a picnic lunch and the kids had fun playing with their cousins and friends. My mom came and watched and Ruth and her kids came also and had a picnic with us and the Sargent's. They are doing really well with their t-ball. Mitchel is even learning to like it. It is fun to watch him get excited about it. I just hope that they have good experiences, that is what it is all about isn't it. I love being a Mom and am so glad that I have this opportunity to be one.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Busy Father's Day weekend!
I feel like I can finally take a breath, after a busy weekend and Monday.
Friday night Reid and Mitchel headed off to Green Canyon for the Father's and Son's Campout. They had a great time and really enjoyed it. They went with Bishop Sargent and Easton and Cooper. Poor Easton got sick in the night and so it was kind of a long night for all of them. I guess he threw up and was sick all night. They got up and went swimming on Saturday, but Mitchel didn't really want to do it, so they didn't stay in the pool for long.
Savanna and I had a girls night out, while Aunt Lori watched Treyton for us. (He was still a little young for the campout.) We went and saw "Kung Fu Panda" with Sara, Leah, Val, Karlee and Elijah. It was fun and then we went out to dinner at Wingers.
Saturday afternoon Sara called and invited us to go to Babe's for lunch and before I could even make it home, I was so sick. I threw up and felt sick the rest of the afternoon, it was aweful. I wanted to work in my yard, but I ended up getting nothing done.
Saturday evening we had a Koala Kids Family BBQ and then after that Val had a house warming party at her new home in Parker. So we headed up there after the Koala Kids party. It was really fun, she had a bon fire and there were lots of kids there playing outside games. We were all just laughing and being silly. It was really fun.
Sunday after church we went to Reid's parents for dinner and a Birthday party for his Mom. It was fun to spend some time with them. Roxanne and Danny came from SLC to clean Mickey's house for her birthday. After that party we went to my parents to wish my Dad a Happy Father's day. By the time we got home I was exhausted. For Father's day the kids and I made Reid breakfast and gave him a thing that stores the hose. Kind of boring, but he said that is what he wanted.
I am thankful to have such good father's in my life. From my Grandfather's that have been great examples to me. To my wonderful father who has blessed my life so much. I am thankful to Reid's dad who taught him well, and to Reid for being such a great husband and father to my children. It is a great day to appreciate all they do for us. We should appreciate them more throughout the year!
Friday night Reid and Mitchel headed off to Green Canyon for the Father's and Son's Campout. They had a great time and really enjoyed it. They went with Bishop Sargent and Easton and Cooper. Poor Easton got sick in the night and so it was kind of a long night for all of them. I guess he threw up and was sick all night. They got up and went swimming on Saturday, but Mitchel didn't really want to do it, so they didn't stay in the pool for long.
Savanna and I had a girls night out, while Aunt Lori watched Treyton for us. (He was still a little young for the campout.) We went and saw "Kung Fu Panda" with Sara, Leah, Val, Karlee and Elijah. It was fun and then we went out to dinner at Wingers.
Saturday afternoon Sara called and invited us to go to Babe's for lunch and before I could even make it home, I was so sick. I threw up and felt sick the rest of the afternoon, it was aweful. I wanted to work in my yard, but I ended up getting nothing done.
Saturday evening we had a Koala Kids Family BBQ and then after that Val had a house warming party at her new home in Parker. So we headed up there after the Koala Kids party. It was really fun, she had a bon fire and there were lots of kids there playing outside games. We were all just laughing and being silly. It was really fun.
Sunday after church we went to Reid's parents for dinner and a Birthday party for his Mom. It was fun to spend some time with them. Roxanne and Danny came from SLC to clean Mickey's house for her birthday. After that party we went to my parents to wish my Dad a Happy Father's day. By the time we got home I was exhausted. For Father's day the kids and I made Reid breakfast and gave him a thing that stores the hose. Kind of boring, but he said that is what he wanted.
I am thankful to have such good father's in my life. From my Grandfather's that have been great examples to me. To my wonderful father who has blessed my life so much. I am thankful to Reid's dad who taught him well, and to Reid for being such a great husband and father to my children. It is a great day to appreciate all they do for us. We should appreciate them more throughout the year!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Our new (used) purchase
Reid found on the INL website for sale a used kids 4 wheeler. It is just one of those battery powered ones, but Mitchel and Savanna have been wanting one of those forever. It is in really good shape and just needed some new batteries. So we went ahead and bought it. It was only $45.00. So the kids have been riding that around all afternoon having a total blast! It is fun to watch Treyton, he gets so excited to ride on it with Savanna or Mitch.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Savanna's T-ball game
Today Savanna had a make-up T-ball game. Unlike her little brother Mitch, she loves it! It is fun to watch her and she is pretty good at too.
I switched my work schedule to Tuesday's and Thursday's, instead of Monday's and Thursday's so that I could go to all their T-ball games, and then the Wed. game last week got canceled because of rain and rescheduled for Today. Of course things never go quite as they are planned. Oh well, it worked out ok, Reid came to Koala Kids after sleeping part of the day (he works nights) and picked the kids up and took them to T-ball. Mitchel had to miss his game today, there was just no way that I could get him there with work and everything. And since he isn't really enjoying it, I thought it would be ok this time.
I have recently joined the Melaleuca Fitness Center. I am seeing a personal trainer-Katie. I am really enjoying it. She definately pushes me way harder than I would push myself. This is my 2nd full week of going to her. I do it twice a week. I hope that I will see a difference.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Mitchel's T-ball game
Today was Mitch's second T-ball game. I wasn't able to take him to his first game last week because I had to work, so Ruth and my Mom took him. He doesn't like it, and doesn't want to participate. It is like pulling teeth to get him to go out on the field, and when he is out there he won't do anything but stand there. I am not sure what to do about it. Do I try to force him and make both of us miserable, or do I let him quit and feel like a failure? I have decided that we will keep trying at least for a few more games. I am hoping that maybey we can get out and practice a little, especially if Reid practices with him and he will get excited about it and want to do it. He is just kind of a stubborn child. (Just like his Dad!) Savanna is also playing on a team, but she had a buy today. I will get some pictures of her at her next game. I heard that she did great at her game last week.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Reid's motorbike race
Reid recently purchased a new (used) dirt bike. He has been so excited about it. Today he went to Noise Park and did a motocross race, just for fun. He got a little beat up, but he had so much fun. I wish that I had as many fun hobbies as he did, but I am glad that he had a lot of fun today!!!
Is it really June!

I just came in tonight from trying to water my flowers, and I am freezing! I can't believe that it is really June. It has been windy and cold and rainy for days, I am really ready for some warm weather. I love to plant flowers and watch them grow. It is strange to me since as a child I absolutely hated working in the yard and in the garden. I would rather clean the whole house than have to work outside, but I enjoy it now. There is a lot of satisfaction in having something grow and become beautiful because of the efforts you put in.
I can't wait for it to warm up a little so that I can spend some more time working in my yard, I still want to plant some more flowers and also get working in my backyard and try to make that better. I have found if I get out there regularly and stay on top of the weeds it never gets to bad. I guess that there is a silver lining to it not warming up, at least I don't have an expensive electric bill because of the air conditioning!
I can't wait for it to warm up a little so that I can spend some more time working in my yard, I still want to plant some more flowers and also get working in my backyard and try to make that better. I have found if I get out there regularly and stay on top of the weeds it never gets to bad. I guess that there is a silver lining to it not warming up, at least I don't have an expensive electric bill because of the air conditioning!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Mitch & Reid on the train

Mitch, Savanna, Maddy & Kynzee after the bumper cars
Treyton doesn't even need to ride rides to have fun!
Savanna & Treyton on the race cars
Leah & Treyton on the train
We went to Lagoon yesterday with our friends Natalie & Josh Williams. It was a fun and very exhausting day. We have not been to Lagoon since we started having kids. I am glad we went because Savanna had the time of her life. Treyton had fun, but was quite the handful, and Mitchel started out having fun but halfway through the day he just wanted to go home. I feel bad that he wasn't having fun. Leah came with us, which was nice to have an extra person to help with our kids.
Lagoon has lots of new rides since I went last, Wicked was really fun. They also have a lot of fun kids rides. It was just so much fun to see Savanna having so much fun. She really likes riding the rides and she just giggles when she gets on one. She loved the swings and the tidal wave a lot! She also had lots of fun hanging out with Maddy and Kynzee.
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